Stand Fast FAQs


It was a great Sunday as we completed our “Stand Fast” series from 2 Peter!

As we completed our DNOW weekend, the Peak band led us in worship this morning.  I love this solid, dedicated group of teenage worship leaders.  They always do a great job and today was no exception.  They began by leading us with “You Are My Vision” and “The Time Has Come.”

Ben Hjalmer came up and gave us a recap of the weekend and also led us in prayer groups for one of our ministry partners, Stacie, landed in South Asia this week.  It was wonderful to have a dedicated time of prayer for her as she gets initiated into ministry there.  I love, love, love hearing our church pray together.

The band then led us in a version of “Nothing But the Blood” and “All I Have is Christ.”  They did a great job of leading us there and not getting in the way.  Loved hearing how our church was singing out!

Jeff’s message was something he had never done before.  He took questions that members had sent to him concerning the 2 Peter study and addressed some loose ends.  The questions really all fit into one of these two categories: how to spot and deal with a false prophet and concerning assurance of salvation.

One of my favorite lines for the day was: “If there was a true profession of faith, there will be a true progression of faith.”  That means if someone is truly saved, they will grow.  They may have times of sin, but they will come back around.  A tree is known by its fruit (Matt. 13:3).

Concerning false prophets, Jeff said it is better to combat a teaching than a teacher.  He can easily name names of false teachers out there (and there are times for that), but it is better to simply equip people in the Word so that they can spot them when they see them.

Great study.  Great Sunday.  Next week, we begin a 3-week series entitled, “Jesus Saves.”

For those of you who have been coming and you want a great next step from the message, consider joining North Side.  Connect is tonight at 6PM.  Jeff will lead this time together and it is so important to be connected to a church body, not just attend services, to protect yourself from incorrect teaching and practice out there.

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