Identifiable Progression

If we are to obey the message of Jesus, complete discipleship of the whole person is our mandate. By identifying any needed areas and establishing a specific plan, you can make continual and substantial progress in the things that matter most.

The Reason We Don’t Grow Stronger in Our Faith

Do you ever feel like some people are in a different spiritual category than you? As you witness their spiritual health and spiritual growth, you become mesmerized when you look at them and defeated when you look at yourself.

Dangerous Desires

There is great danger when we look for ways to disobey our God. There are dangerous desires of which we must be aware.

The Progression of Faith

If there is a true profession of faith, there should be a true progression of faith. While you have not arrived at complete spiritual maturity yet, you should be making progress.

Imprisoned By Our Desires

When I was young, my family rescued a dog named Butch out of the county kennel.  This mutt who used to live in a tiny cell was brought into a huge backyard where he had all the food, water, and running space of which a dog could only hope.  Surrounded by love and protection, I knew he would happier than …


Stand Fast FAQs

It was a great Sunday as we completed our “Stand Fast” series from 2 Peter! As we completed our DNOW weekend, the Peak band led us in worship this morning.  I love this solid, dedicated group of teenage worship leaders.  They always do a great job and today was no exception.  They began by leading us with “You Are My …


What Kind of People Should We Be?

After a weekend full of allergies and voice exhaustion, I had nothing but a raspy, squeaky, hoarse voice to lead our church with today.  I made a comment in one of the services that, “Even on my best day, I’m not be able to give an adequate sacrifice of worship to my Father.”  I truly mean that.  How do you …


The Truth About False Teachers – Part 2

Special day.  In our attempt to be faithful to 2 Peter and in our desire to protect the flock, we have been digging in deep concerning false teachers. We started our services today by singing “He Is Exalted” and “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name.” After this opening time, we huddled up in smaller groups for a special time …


The Truth About False Teachers

Knowing the characteristics of false teachers helps us determine who to guard ourselves against. This was an incredible focus for us today as we discussed the truth about false teachers.  On Spring Forward Sunday, the church was still eager to go deeper! We began our worship service by singing “Sing and Shout” and “Holy.”  During our offering time, we watched …


The Wrath of God

Our focus for today was 2 Peter 2:4-10 and we talked about a “feel-good” topic of the wrath of God. God is in opposition to everything that is in opposition to Him and His justice brings forth His wrath. [Tweet “God is in opposition to everything that is in opposition to Him.”] We got to begin our services with baptism …