2015 was a busy year. The world had some interesting developments. Church and ministry were blowing and going. And in the middle of all of it, for whatever reason, people checked out posts on this blog. For all the posts written, these were the top 15 of 2015:
15. What to Do About Personality-Driven Churches
The rise (and unfortunate falls) of rock star preachers was at all-time high in our culture. What are we supposed to do when individual churches are dangerously synonymous with the celebrity preacher?
14. Teaching Younger Women
Ruth McWhite joined me on this Family Alter video to discuss what discipleship looks like when older women begin to invest in younger women.
13. Creation & Legos
This story is an encounter I had with my son and how I explained God as Creator to him using Legos.
12. I Wish I Could Take It For You
My son had a rare medical issue come up and it caused a lot of sacrificial, gospel-like conversations to take place.
11. Understand Who Your Spouse Is Coming
Jeff Lethco and I sat down in a premarital counseling session to talk about how you stay up-to-date on who your spouse is becoming (people change if you haven’t realized that yet).
10. The Double Standard Concerning Women and Lust
Our culture vilifies men for lustful behavior but gives women a free-pass. What is seen as harmful in men is playful for women.
9. Bible Memory Starter Set
For those desiring to memorize Scripture, I provided some lists to get started.
8. Exposing the Serpent Seed Doctrine
An encounter with a racist guy on my blog caused me to check out the Serpent Seed Doctrine which states that blacks and Jews come from Satan and white folks come from Adam.
7. The Battle Plan for Prayer
This post told the story how I got involved in the War Room and the Bible study, The Battle Plan for Prayer.
6. Implications of the Ashley Madison Hack
Thousands of affair-seeking Internet users were exposed this year and I dissected the implications of it all.
5. The Prayers of Mrs. Judy
In this year as I asked God to help me become more a person of prayer, he reminded me consistently of the legacy of my friend, Mrs. Judy.
4. Your Wife’s Needs
This Family Alter video struck a nerve as we discussed what a wife needs from her husband.
3. Partial-Birth Abortions to Sell Baby Parts
The sting operation that caught Planned Parenthood admitting to selling body parts left me in shock.
2. Your Husband’s Needs
This Family Alter video helped women identify a husband’s greatest needs.
1. Death to the Church Green Room
This post went kinda viral surprisingly and had polar opposite reactions. People either loved it or hated it and told me about it. I pray it at least sparked some introspection for churches to see if shepherds are committed to being around sheep.
Appreciate you checking out the blog this year. Pray it will serve as a resource to help you with faith and family.
Travis Agnew serves as the Lead Pastor of Rocky Creek Church in Greenville, SC. His most recent book is Just (About) Married.
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