Leviticus seems to be the Bible reading plan killer.
After the commitment to read through the Bible, we make it through Genesis fairly well. We slow down a tad in the middle of Exodus when we start reading about commandment topics spanning from morality to construction. Then we arrive at Leviticus and make our ways back to the Psalms or James.
Shame on me for all the times I passed over this book. It is a treasure! The best thing about the book is how it teaches us the power and beauty of Christ’s all-satisfying work upon the cross!
Our discipleship group poured over this book on Sunday and we had guys fighting away the misty eyes as we were thinking about Jesus’ sacrifice foreshadowed in the Book of Leviticus.
Here are some notes from the first few chapters of Leviticus and three of the offerings:
- The burnt offering was for the removal of the people’s guilt before God (Lev. 1:3-9).
- The animal for the burnt offering came “from the herd” (Lev. 1:3) revealing the costly and personal nature of this sacrifice.
- The sacrifice must be “without blemish” (Lev. 1:3) revealing the manner in which Christ must live before he would die.
- The offering took place at the “entrance of the tent of meeting” (Lev. 1:3) revealing that we can’t experience God’s presence until someone atones for sin.
- Imagine the intense, intimate guilt when you put your hand on the head of an innocent sacrifice about to be killed because you sin too much (Lev. 1:4).
- Only Jesus’ blood is powerful enough to secure an eternal redemption rather than a temporary atonement (Heb. 9:12).
- The grain offering restored Israel to serve God and neighbor (Lev. 2:1-3).
- The LORD expected the best from his people (Lev. 2:1).
- Grain was an everyday commodity so it reminded the people to offer an everyday thanksgiving.
- Jesus’ sacrifice would be the only death that could bring life (John 12:24).
- The peace offering was for the reconciliation between God and his people (Lev. 3:1-5).
- This type of offering was a freewill offering out of delight in doing so (Lev. 7:16).
- The offering atoned for sin but also brought the people back to the table of fellowship with God.
- In the same moment in which we are saved from God’s wrath, we are also invited to God’s table.
Travis Agnew serves as the Lead Pastor of Rocky Creek Church in Greenville, SC. His most recent book is Just (About) Married.