What Is the Distinctive Discipleship Bible Study?

For all those who feel stuck in their spiritual life, you don’t have to accept stagnation as the norm any longer.

In this 8-week Bible study, I want to walk you through a model called Distinctive Discipleship. It attempts to encourage individual people with particular needs to develop a unique plan for a given season.

  • You can use this model within the church house, coffee house, or your house.
  • It can be implemented by a mentor, a leader of a small group, or by a parent.
  • The process is not contingent upon a particular context, and any believer in any nation in the world can apply its simple principles.

This model will be good for an individual, better with a partner, but best with a mentor.

The guide within these pages will help you create a plan for discipleship in your individual context. If every Christian is in a unique place surrounded by specific challenges, why do we think that a broad approach will work for every single one of us? We don’t need ministry templates; we need distinctive discipleship. Each person is too complex for generalized approaches to meet all of our needs.

The desperate need for discipleship seems to be a cyclical point of conversation within our churches. Every so often, we begin to notice the warning signs concerning the overarching lack of spiritual maturity among the majority of believers, and we seem emphatically determined to address it. Upon these alarming realizations, we speak very poignantly regarding the need for discipleship by criticizing those before us who apparently did an insufficient job.

Instead of belaboring points of why specific ministries failed to prioritize discipleship in the past, I think it is a wiser use of our time to activate the church around us for discipleship in the present. Let’s return to the simple paths of discipleship encouraged and exemplified within the pages of Scripture and make a valiant effort to imitate it.

Instead of providing a plan that might be overwhelming to implement, let’s simplify to a process that is easily memorizable, adaptable, and repeatable.

I want to make it simple, engaging, and distinctive. Let’s make disciples.

Begin to make progress again.

If you feel like this resource (or the book) could help you make disciples, you can get a copy at Amazon.

Chapter Listing

  1. Evaluating Distinction
  2. Discovering Delight
  3. Confronting Disobedience
  4. Strengthening Doctrine
  5. Clarifying Development
  6. Initiating Discipline
  7. Establishing Dependence
  8. Implementing Discipleship
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