Top Posts of 2021

Thanks for reading, watching, and listening to things that God has been teaching me in 2021. Here is a collection of the top posts from the year. I pray they serve to help you go further in your faith.

#1. One Pastor’s Legacy of Neglecting His Family

#2. An Open Letter to the Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention

#3. Dwell [Fuge 2021 – Ridgecrest Recap]

#4. The Crazy Uncle in the SBC

#5. Dwell [Fuge 2021 – North Greenville Recap]

#6. Standing Room Only in the SBC

#7. Dangerous Trends in Church Planting

#8. Your Kid Has Only a 0.0296% Chance

#9. 2022 Sermon Planning Resource

#10. The Ever-Escalating Hostility of the United States

Thanks for reading!

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