Your Family Tree Doesn’t Disqualify You

Exodus 6:14-30 – Before the plagues commenced, Scripture provides a genealogy for Moses and Aaron, highlighting their unsavory family line. Just like these two who were used mightily by God, nothing in your family tree can disqualify you from God’s service.


  • Moses didn’t come from the largest or most influential tribe in Israel (6:14-18).
  • This family would soon be responsible for leading all of God’s people in worship (6:19).
  • Moses’ parents had a union that the Law would later forbid (6:20; cf. Lev. 18:12).
  • Moses’ wife is not mentioned in this list because she wasn’t an Israelite (6:21-25; cf. 2:21).
  • Scripture interrupts the timeline with a genealogy to remind us that God uses unlikely candidates for remarkablepurposes (6:26-27).
  • Moses had plenty of reasons to feel insecure, but God was his needed stability (6:28-30).


  • Your family’s dysfunction does not limit what God can do through you.
  • Your personal decisions do not disqualify you from meaningful service.
  • When insecure, remember who God is and repeat what He has said.
  • Look to Jesus, who can bring lasting fruit from your family tree.