A Prayer for the SBC Annual Meeting

As we approach another annual meeting for the Southern Baptist Convention, we are potentially in for more disagreements and controversies. My contribution is to pray for God’s will to be done in God’s way, and I hope you can join me.

Here’s how I am praying based on Jesus’ prayer:

Our Father in heaven

Father, you are just as much mine as you are other brothers and sisters who see things differently than me. Help us exhibit your resemblance as we interact with one another. May this world know that we belong to you and are committed to each other.

Your name be honored as holy

You are the one who is set apart, and we are to be like you. Help us not fit in with the rest of the world’s Twitter wars and be uniquely different. Please help us be holy as you are holy.

Your kingdom come

Your kingdom will come even if our kingdoms fall. The SBC can go away, but your work will remain. We prioritize your strategy and agenda more than we desire you to bless our initiatives.

You will be done on earth as it is in heaven

Nothing will transpire outside of your sovereign hand. Not only will that be true, but let us desire it to be true. We want your will for the SBC more than we hope our opinions become the outcomes.

Give us today our daily bread

Provide the needs of our missionaries and ministries through generous and willing churches. May we not get overly comfortable growing rainy-day funds that we miss present-day needs. Let us have what we need to do ministry for today.

Forgive us our debts

God, we are sorry for when we have been horrible representations of you in this world. Please forgive us for our prideful plays for power. Please show us mercy for the way we have gossiped, slandered, and disrespected others and how we have disregarded your character in how we have worked in your name.

As we also have forgiven our debtors

Help us show the type of grace to one another that you have shown us. We have differing factions in separate corners of the SBC. Let us show forgiveness for those who have disappointed or disagreed with us in unbecoming ways.

Do not bring us into temptation

Things will happen, and words will be said that will provoke us to react in sinful ways. Sound the alarm in our souls when we want to respond according to our flesh. Keep us centered on your truth and not our positions.

Deliver us from the evil one

The enemy would love to see the SBC implode and slow the gospel’s progress worldwide. Help us remember that he is our enemy and not one another. Keep us from the enemy luring us to combat family and overlook him.

And all God’s people, brothers and sisters alike who see differently, say, “Amen.”