One of the first stories I remember from the Bible was the interaction between Jesus and Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10). The thought of a small-statured man climbing a tree to get a view of the traveling Messiah was always such a humorous yet captivating description.
The older I get, the more the story impacts me. It is more than a curious encounter between these two; it also displays our stories.
In addition to being a short man, Zacchaeus was also a chief tax collector. He had made a lot of money, corruptly extorting from his fellow citizens. Due to circumstances outside of his control and situations within it, he was not very liked. Yet, amid his illustrious career and painful isolation, his interest had been perked about what he had heard about Jesus. He was a self-made man, but he knew greatness when it passed, so he desired to get a glimpse.
When I was younger, I was always taught to esteem Zacchaeus for being such a committed seeker that he would use ingenuity to see Jesus. That’s true. Zacchaeus did climb the tree to see Jesus, but have you ever considered who planted the tree in the first place? Years before he had ever taken anyone’s money, God had purposed that tree to be planted by that roadside so that at that point in history, it would be tall enough and sturdy enough to support a person who desperately needed Jesus.
What amazes me about this story is not that Zacchaeus saw Jesus but that Jesus saw Zaccheues. Jesus “looked up” (Luke 19:5). Before Jesus saw him in the tree, He had planted it. He created him. He had His eyes on him all the way.
And the same is true for you. Jesus wants you to get more than a glimpse as He passes by. He desires a relationship with you, even though He knows about all your regrets due to sinful choices and unfortunate circumstances. Jesus sees you. He knows you. And He wants a relationship with you.
Take some time today to thank Him for seeing you before you even thought to look for Him.
Travis Agnew serves as the Lead Pastor of Rocky Creek Church in Greenville, SC. His most recent book is Just (About) Married.