

Before you can really love your child, you have to get to know your child.

Your child is unique.  That may be an understatement.  Your child is really unique.  God makes no carbon-copies.

When a child first arrives, all you know about him or her is the obvious – gender, hair color, eye color, size, etc.  Overtime, you begin to realize much more about this child.  Within months, you begin to notice personality traits.  Your child begins to reveal the things that make them laugh or the things that frighten them.  As they grow older, you will discover tendencies towards sin.  Getting to know your child is a discovery adventure for sure.

Before you can really love your child, you have to get to know your child.

Each of your children is a specific mini-masterpiece that you must learn to love wisely by being aware of how God has uniquely designed him or her.

If a parent attempts a cookie-cutter approach to parenting, both parent and child grow frustrated.  Even as biblical principles remain the same, learning how God has wired each child will help parents tailor the way they discipline, show affection, and teach life lessons to each child.

So, let’s get to know those specific masterpieces that live in your home!

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