Don’t Do Stupid Stuff

Ecclesiastes 9:11-10:20 – While limited to how much wisdom we can possess, we should use well what insight God grants us. God’s wisdom can help us avoid doing stupid stuff that causes pain to ourselves and others.

Unpopular Christianity

Jesus spoke of His way being a narrow path that few find themselves upon, and our world is full of people who create their own paths of distorted Christianity. If the religious way is popular, it’s probably not the Jesus way.

Next Steps with a Church

Since discipleship is a journey, we all have the next steps to take, but they are all different from one another. We want to provide a simple way to help others navigate their movement forward. 

Diminishing Distractions

Technological devices are one of the most successful tools for endangering and distracting us. Determine your convictions before the culture standardizes your practices. 

Don’t Die Before Living

Ecclesiastes 9:1-10 – None of us can escape that our lives will end, but we can do something about how we take advantage of the opportunities given. Don’t overlook God’s gifts along the way.

The Bible’s Heroes Aren’t Role Models

The Bible tells amazing accounts of how ordinary people did extraordinary things, but it also informs us of their struggles. While these men and women weren’t perfect, they looked to another who provided the strength we all needed.

Teach Us to Pray

Prayer is not an emergency hotline only to dial when we get in trouble; it is an ongoing connection with our Father so we can stay in step with His Son. If we want to learn how to pray well, we best go learn from Jesus.

Addressing Anxiety

Everyone suffers from some level of anxiety in their lives. Discover what Scripture clarifies to address our feelings when we are overwhelmed.