Walking with God, Adam Was Still Alone

In the early stages of this relationship, God and Adam were close.  Adam experienced a level of intimacy in the Garden that no other human has ever fully experienced.  There was no sin.  There was no separation.  There was no Fall, curse, or corrupt nature.  God strolled through the Garden that Adam tilled.  We are talking face to face, eye to eye, life to life interaction.

And yet, amidst this intimacy, God says one of the most shocking statements concerning the only creature he formed in his very image: “It is not good that the man should be alone” (Gen. 2:18).  The rolling rivers were good.  The berries on the tree were good.  The curiously formed duckbilled platypuses were good, and yet Man, made in God’s own striking image, was not good.

He was alone.


If An Album is Played in the Forest, Does Anyone Hear It?

Last night, I had the privilege of listening through the “Knowing Jesus” album with our band at our home.  They had each contributed in the writing, arranging, recording of the process, but none of them knew until last night that this project is 21 tracks.  It is as close to 80 minutes that the disc will allow.

Why that much music?  Why 21-tracks?

The end of John gives us a hint:


Jesus & Pilate

In addition to some powerful worship time, we were honored to have a Courageous Resolution ceremony for some men in our church who went through the study “Honor Begins at Home.”  It was powerful watching these men make these commitments in front of their church and beside their families.  It is even more amazing watching these guys live out the change.  If you are interested in joining us for the next Sunday starting in 2 weeks, click here for more info.

We continue in our “Knowing Jesus” study.  Jeff’s message was powerful.  The entire service kept showing Jesus on display.  Love hearing our worshipers get after it!

Today, we worshiped to:


Providing for Your Family

Providing for your family — it’s one of those interesting paradigms in God’s Kingdom. In some ways, you are to do all that you possibly can do to provide for them. You also are to pray and believe that God can provide all that you need. We are even to look at what “our hands have done” as a gift from God. It is a wonderful partnership and privileged responsibility.

So how is your family is doing?

Are there any needs in your immediate family that are not being met? If so, what are they?  What can you do to help? What can you pray and ask God?


God is Good (And So is His Creation)

A simple threefold pattern describes the first six days of Creation.  In each day, something was stated, created, and affirmed.  God spoke something into existence.  He used words.  He said, “Let there be light.”  Using solely words, light burst forth at 670,616,629.2 miles per hour across nothing to illuminate the beginning of something.  God stated, and with those words, he created.  Each day, reflecting upon the day’s work, he would affirm it.  He saw that it was “good.”  It wasn’t evil.  It wasn’t imperfect.  It wasn’t lacking.  God’s creation was good.

God’s creation was the way it was intended to be before something so vile began to corrupt something so good.  In these first days, everything was new and vibrant and life-giving.  It was good.  It couldn’t help but be good — God created it.

He is good and it is only fitting that his creation would reflect his character.


“Knowing Jesus” Wordle

You can tell a lot about something based on what words are used the most.

“Wordle” is a program that you can copy a section of text and it highlights the most used words by making them larger.  The more the word is used, the larger it is displayed.

So, do you know where this wordle is from?


Spare the Rod

In raising children, discipline must be involved. We live in a culture though that greatly disagrees in the manner of discipline that should be utilized upon children.  I understand why.  Many parents have crossed the line and abused children in the name of spanking.  And parents who do not believe in spanking have still enraged children with discipline without communication.  There are angry kids out there, but is spanking by itself the problem?

How did your parents discipline you?  How did that impact you?

Take a moment and read Proverbs 29:15-17 and see what God’s Word says about raising children.


Peter’s Denial

Great, impacting, insightful, honest worship today at North Side.  I took this picture on my phone during Cole’s soundcheck and it looked like the heavens were opening up!  Cole Strickland did a fantastic job on a Peter monologue to setup the message on Peter’s denial perfectly.

In addition, we heard a powerful testimony about mission work in West Africa this summer.  She did such a great job making the passage of the day go along with her testimony.  It was incredible to hear how someone who followed Christ across the world still struggled with denying Christ but saw him move anyway.  So wonderful that 2 of our main worship leaders today were our college students.  So great to see so many of these students not waiting until they graduate to serve, they get it now!

Today, we worshiped to:


Teaching an Old Dad New Tricks

Want to be a better father?  Join me for the course Courageous: Honor Begins at Home.

Derek was a “good enough dad.” He provided for his family. He stayed faithful to his wife, never committed any of the “really bad” sins, and took his children to church. Most people would look at him and think he was a model father.

In his late 60s, something changed. As a retired grandfather, he become exposed to biblical teaching concerning a father’s responsibility to teach the truths of the Bible to his own children. Through the conviction of God’s Word, he began to seek out how exactly God had called him to live. As he watched the movie Courageous, he realized he too didn’t want to be just “a good enough dad.”

But it was too late. His children were out on their own, married with their own children. While all of his children were fine members of society, God was a part of their home and not the central piece. He realized that his children were simply repeating what they had seen.

His children were out of the home, but they were not beyond his influence.


In the Beginning…

In the beginning, God.  The first words of the Old Testament leave no room for misunderstanding.  Before the details of the rest of the story are conveyed, the author wants to make sure the reader grasps a fundamental doctrine: in the beginning, God.  In the beginning, there was nothing other than God, and from the beginning, there was nothing that did not come from God.

God created everything we know and see out of nothing.  Usually, when someone tries to imagine “nothing,” they fall short.  Normally, that person is imagining space or a dark expanse, but even that is something.  That something fails to be nothing.  Aristotle stated, “Nothing is what rocks dream about.”  It’s impossible for our finite minds to even comprehend the concept of nothing, but that is exactly out of what God created.  He created the world ex nihilio (“out of nothing”).

He didn’t need any outside advice or help.  He wasn’t scrounging around for building supplies.  All he used to create everything we experience today was words uttered from his lips.