Founding Freedoms – New LifeWay Curriculum

  I was so excited to receive these copies in the mail of LifeWay’s LifeTruths upcoming quarterly edition.  The crew at LifeWay does a fantastic job at this Bible study curriculum geared towards parents. I was honored to write for the second time for this publication.  The first time I wrote a curriculum called “I (Still) Do” on marriage.  In …


College Bible Study – 2 Weeks Left!

It’s hard to believe that we only have 2 more weeks of our college Bible study at North Side.  I have LOVED pouring into these students this year, and I think I have some great ideas for next year and even something for those around this summer. For the remaining 2 weeks, I have some special things in store. Next …


Little Drummer Boys

On Tuesday, we had some eager people who wanted to bring something by the house for our boys.  This seemed a little different than other trips.  Something in my gut said this was more than handing out cookies. When I walked in my home, I realized that these people had already arrived.  These people brought a loud device with explosive …


Derailed by Sex

What a great day to be a part of North Side!  I got the privilege of preaching for Jeff on the topic of “Derailed by Sex.”

Questions concerning sex and marriage were plaguing the Corinthians church and still plague believers today.  The church raised questions through their lifestyle and in their letter to Paul in which he felt the need to respond on the issues of sex outside of marriage, sex within marriage, divorce, and singleness.  His instructions to them still hold true for us today.

It was a difficult topic to address and a whole lot to cover, but I pray that it was a benefit to those listening today.  If you want to check it out online, you can listen here.

Today, we worshiped to:


Good Friday Service

On Good Friday (April 22nd), spend your evening at North Side with a special service spent remembering the cross. Baptism & Lord’s Supper. We will include baptism and an observance of the Lord’s Supper this evening.  If you would like to be baptized on this date, please comment here.  Your RSVP is helpful too as we prepare for the Lord’s

Should I Tithe While in Debt?

One of the most frequented asked questions I receive from people concerning giving is: “should I tithe while in debt?”

My short answer is yes.

Now, here is the medium answer concerning why I say, “yes.”


Fathers: It’s Better to Attempt Than to Regret

Last week’s evenings were pretty full for our family, and so I took off early last Tuesday to do something special with the Agnew boys.  Some of the guys in our college Bible study play for Lander’s baseball team, and so I decided this would be a great trip for us.  We had been playing a lot of baseball in the yard as of late, and I thought the game would mesmerize the boys.

After loading the boys in the truck, finding our way to the field, I realized something about taking 2 almost 3-year-olds to a baseball game:

It’s a horrible idea.


Lift Recap

Words can’t even express how humbled I was to be a part of Lift.

Having North Side’s own volunteers give up their Saturday to work on things they already do so well is a reminder of the quality of people we have.  Having groups from the Carolinas travel from up to 5 hours away to spend their Saturday to learn with us is a reminder of stewardship in the Body of Christ.

At Lift, we worshiped to:


Derailed by Lawsuits

I love loud worshipers, and North Side got after it this morning!

Wow, what an incredible time together.  4th week in our Derailed series through 1 Corinthians, and today we landed on lawsuits within the church.  You gotta love the Word of God that makes it so clear for us to follow!

In addition to a great message, we also got to hear wonderful testimonies and promo for our Priscilla Shirer simulcast next week, commissioned some more college missionaries, and sang our faces off!  For the entire flowsheet, go here.

Today, we worshiped to: