Bailout #3 (Are You a Broke College Student?)

Our college group at my church was traveling to invest in some children at a missions project during the summer, and I was driving one of the vans full of students.  I had just finished reading Dave Ramsey’s, The Total Money Makeover, and I was befuddled at some of the stats I read.  I polled those riding on the van …


Potential Leaders (May is Me & My Shadow Month)

One of the greatest needs for leaders is to identify and equip potential leaders.  Every congregation is comprised of potential leaders eager to serve.  If a leader can maintain a view of the long term success of the church versus a daily task mentality, that leader will intentionally develop potential leaders in the congregation. After discovering these potential leaders, we …


Bad Church Sign of the Week: Do We Really Care

This week’s bad church sign states: “DO WE REALLY CARE” Ummm…I don’t know, why don’t you tell me? What do you think they are talking about?  Come up with your best thought and post it here.

Final Exam

That’s right.  I gave the final exam today for my RELI 101 students.  It’s been a good semester, but I am also thankful for a break.  After I grade these exams, I am entering in the grades, and…probably getting busy with something else.

Your Money. Your Job. Your Marriage.

While your money, your job, and your marriage should be a source of stability and comfort, oftentimes those three areas can cause more stress than anything else in life.  We understand that.  That’s why North Side is holding three events within the next month to help you out in those three specific areas.  Go to our website for more info or evite …


Bailout #2 (Stop Spending Money You Don’t Have)

A few weeks ago, I did a post on the bailout and realized I had more to say about the current situation of the America economy, so here goes: Previously, I mentioned that America is in trouble because of our greed.  Due to our greed, most consumers have learned to spend money that they do not have. Since the college …


Eternity from GRACE

The gospel begins with God, but we messed it up through Rebellion. Our sinful ways separate us from God, and there must be a way back to God. Through Jesus’ death, he provided Atonement for our sins and gives us the chance to be forgiven. Once someone experiences Conversion, that person can have hope in Eternity. Today, we looked at …


Jesus is My Friend Video (Is This Legit?)

I stumbled upon this video last week.  I can’t tell if it is serious or a joke.  I would love to hear your feedback on its a) intention, and b) your favorite moment. What’s your opinion?  Is this video legit or a joke?  And what’s your favorite moment?

The Greatest Need for Leaders

Due to the reading on leadership and time of self-reflection, I have identified some areas in which I need to change concerning my own leadership skills. First, I must constantly develop my own personal relationship with Jesus.  In order for me to leave a legacy to my family and my congregation, I need to ensure that my personal relationship with …


Dave Ramsey is Coming to North Side

I am so excited to tell you about this event.  If you are like the most of America, the economy is overwhelming you.  North Side is going to help provide Greenwood with some practical help through a simulcast with money guru, Dave Ramsey.  There will be no childcare.  There is no cost.  You just need to show up next Thursday …