Leading Through Weakness

We can easily miss leadership opportunities due to perceived inabilities. We must maintain that conviction that God will give us what we need to accomplish what He has called us to do.

Leading By Example

A position may grant you the right to give orders, but a true leader is one who diligently works alongside others. Your example lived in front of others will be the most remarkable leadership lesson you could ever teach. 

Leading Through Failures

Failures will either sideline us from future usefulness or motivate us for current development. We will make mistakes, but we don’t have to let them define us.

Leading with Humility

The world characterizes leaders as those who have achieved so much that others serve them; the Word surprisingly teaches that the best leaders are the humblest of servants. Humility distinguishes authentic leadership.

What Will Keep Our Church Off Mission

We desire to be more than a mission-minded church; we want to be a mission-guided church. If we are not careful, we will miss opportunities for missional endeavors because of dangerous distractions. 

Mission and World Religions

As we undertake the Great Commission, we will share the gospel with people firmly convinced of another religion’s claims. Discover the differences between the major world religions and how the Word interacts with them. 

Missiology of Western Culture

We often strategize ways to impact international fields with the gospel, but Western culture is also in great need. Understanding this mission field is necessary as we seek to engage the people around us. 

It’s Sunday (But Monday’s Coming)

Many ministry leaders know how to operate intentionally on Sundays but fail to capture the rest of the week’s potential. Be the most effective and efficient version of yourself for the sake of God’s Kingdom.

Holistic Mission

Throughout the years, Christianity has struggled to maintain the proper balance of sharing both the gospel and compassion. As followers of Jesus, we are called to display His kindness in both word and deed.