The Danger of a Detached Worship Team

Where our worship wars used to be over what style of music a church should use, I believe the current worship war is the manner in which a worship team leads. While songs can still be divisive, subtle yet serious danger transpires when a worship team employs worldly practices instead of biblical principles. It’s time to go the second mile …


How Pornography Can Ruin Your Current (or Future) Marriage

To honor your marriage, you must keep the marriage bed pure from anyone else invading it.  That includes real experiences and virtual experiences.  Sex isn’t the problem.  Sexual desires are not the issue.  The dilemma is when we attempt to meet a God-given desire in an ungodly way.  You are supposed to have your sexual needs met with your spouse …


You Need Better Friends

Oftentimes in ministry, I want to discover what is the secret ingredient in the life that continues to grow in Christ and what is lacking in those who experience downfall. Where I used to think it was diligence or dedication, I have learned that many people continue to grow simply because they surround themselves with solid friends who want to …


How to Have an Accountability Partner

It is important to highlight the need for a personal relationship with Jesus. But somewhere along the way, we have made our faith so private that we neglect the benefit of walking alongside others. Have you ever wanted to continue your growth but find yourself falling time and time again? It’s time to go the 2nd mile in having an …


How to Maintain Camp Commitments

It happens at every summer church camp. It’s the final night of worship, and almost every person in attendance is ready to make a decision. If the person is confident in salvation, he or she might repent of sins or make a rededication of sorts.  Since last year’s camp got them all excited about living for Jesus, they thought it …


Establish Fight Rules for Your Marriage

I love sitting down with couples to lead pre-marital counseling. As we discuss all the opportunities and complexities that marriage brings, I will often ask, “So, tell me how you two handle conflict?”  In some instances, they will look at each other in such a way that makes me think they were arguing on the drive over to meet me. …


Biblical Context Determines Biblical Content

Imagine a time in which you were surrounded by danger. Forces were against you that literally threatened your very life. Someone comes up to you at the scariest moment and seeks to encourage you. Instead of providing personal counsel, this individual actually quotes a Bible verse to you. Recited from a beloved psalm, this verse reminds you that God will …


How to Have a Quiet Time

As a young Christian, people always told me about the importance of having a quiet time without anyone ever showing me how to have one. I tend to be a rather loud person anyway, so setting apart time to quiet myself seemed odd in the first place. What exactly am I supposed to do during that quiet time? All the …


Develop a Reading Plan

We all know reading is supposed to help us, but many of us also feel as if we could be more dedicated readers. The reason many of us struggle is that we don’t have a reading plan that has specific goals. If you ever wanted to become a more avid reader, it’s time to go the second mile with our …


Rejecting the Wiki God

Our culture worships the Wiki God. We want ever so desperately to serve a deity whom we have the freedom and capability to edit. Many people are attempting to revise the Christian faith by cutting out what they don’t like, copying favorable ideas from other worldviews, and pasting them into some hopeless attempt at a hybrid faith. How do we …