When God’s Plan Doesn’t Make Sense

The prophet Habakkuk could not understand how God could idly allow the sin of their enemies to continue unchallenged. If we believe God to be worthy of our complete trust, we must accept His plan even when it doesn’t make total sense.

How to Survive Life’s Storms

All of us go through storms, but only some of us make it out of them. As Jesus concluded the Sermon on the Mount, he taught his listeners how to build the types of lives that can withstand life’s storms.

The Make-Believer

Plenty of people know religious lingo and practice helpful service, but not all have an actual relationship with Jesus. Make sure that your faith isn’t make-believe.

Two Sides of the Cross

On the cross, Jesus was surrounded by two other men – one desired release and the other redemption. Did you become a Christian to escape consequences or to embrace Christ?

The Broken Rule

Instead of treating others the way we wish to be treated, we often repay others for what they have done. The remarkable standard of the kingdom is simple, yet few will accept it.

Distinctly Hopeful

You can be hopeful in the midst of suffering in this life. Your confidence can be in the fact that Jesus can handle any situation that you encounter.

Distinctly Forgiven

Many people come to Jesus for numerous issues. While He can and will help us in many ways, the greatest need we have is for forgiveness.

The Just Way to Be Judgmental

One of Jesus’ most misinterpreted phrases was his teaching on judging one another. Jesus didn’t expect us to refrain from accountability but abstain from hypocrisy.

Distinctly Guided

To follow Jesus, you must know what direction He is taking. We are truly guided by God when we study the truth of God’s Word.