Moses, a Bush on Fire, and the Almighty’s Plan

As we continue going through the Bible, we have now approached Exodus. God responded to Israel’s terrible plight by listening to the prayers of his oppressed people, revealing his character to Moses, and promising to deliver and redeem them. Here are some notes: Moses attempted to deliver God’s people but tried through his hands (Ex. 2:12). “I am the God …


Is My Lack of Prayer Sinful?

  All of us have given care to someone in our lives.  Think of someone who you have truly watched over concerning their needs (physical, emotional, spiritual, etc.). Maybe your list is very thorough and all-encompassing.  You have spent time, resources, and energy on caring for the person who came to mind. What if your care for them was graded …


God Makes Good Out of Evil

God took the evil deeds of Joseph’s brothers and used them for his greater plan of providing salvation from the famine.  In the same way, God used the evil injustice of those who put his son, Jesus, on the cross to bring about his master plan of providing salvation from sin and death. Here are some of my notes from …


When God Calls Us to Suffer

Joseph suffered unjustly and was later exalted to a place of prominence.  In a similar manner, Jesus suffered unjustly and was later raised from the dead and exalted as Lord of the world. Here are some of my notes from last week’s lesson from the Gospel Project: God never promises that faith will spare us from suffering. Favoritism of one …


Wrestling with God

Jacob received a new name from God.  His old name meant “deceiver” and was an apt description of his life.  But after a mysterious encounter with God, Jacob was never the same.  He received a new name that reflected God’s grace to him and his descendants.  Encountering God leads to a fundamental change of identity and purpose. Here are some …


God’s Dysfunctional Covenant Family

Studying through the Gospel Project, we have come to the unique relationship between Jacob and Esau (Gen. 27:1-40). God is sovereign over all of life, and he will work out his plan of redemption despite and sometimes through our dysfunction.  Jacob’s story is a good example of why humanity needs a Savior.  Like Jacob, we seek a blessing that is …


God Isn’t Ignoring You

Many people wrongly assume that God is unaware concerning our situations.  Believing that he is too lofty and too out-of-touch with us down here on earth, some people will live in such a way that ignores God’s involvement in our lives. They ignore God because they believe that God is ignoring them. The Bible teaches us that God knows how …


Jacob’s Ladder

Loved this week study through The Gospel Project Chronological. In this session we see that God renews his promise to be with Abraham’s offspring and to bless the world through them despite their sinful and unworthy ways. Notes from this week’s study: This family displays that the message of the Old Testament is not portraying good people but a good …