“Video Games Are Stupid”

On this Labor Day, I thought I would share a challenging video clip from Mark Driscoll entitled: “Video Games Aren’t Sinful, They’re Just Stupid.”  This may or may not offend you depending upon how many video games you play, but my main reason for posting it is to make myself and anyone else willing to think how we spend our …


Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

Ah, Mister Rogers.  Life was so simple with this man and his sweater vests.  He desired to be our neighbor.  He wanted to help us.  Unfortunately, we live in a time when we are lacking that type of compassion to one another. Someone who has truly experienced mercy loves to give mercy to others. It becomes a habit. Showing mercy …


The Reason for Reconciliation

Who has a problem with you? Maybe you know they have said things to you or about you. Maybe they have been distant ever since that one day. The issue is so real you can feel the conflict when around them or when their name is mentioned.

Today, we are going to study a passage of Scripture that should completely altar your schedule today. No matter what you have on the agenda, something is about to take priority over all other matters: it’s time to seek reconciliation with those you have wronged. Read Jesus’ words on the issue in Matthew 5:23-24.


North Greenville Crusade Recap

We had a busy yet wonderful time at North Greenville University this week.  I got the extreme privilege to serve as the preacher for the North Greenville Crusade.  This partnership with the school and the local Baptist Association is an attempt to unite the church together and bring the Word!

The picture above is from Saturday night at the festival they had at the football stadium.  To invite people to the Crusade, they had free food, inflatables, and music throughout the night.  You can see my two sons really enjoyed their snow cones.  No matter how I tried to show them to stay clean, it was obvious they enjoyed it and you could even tell what color each of them had hours later that night.  The evidence was undeniable!

And that was my prayer for the week.  I wanted Jesus proclaimed so that there would be no denying that He had been in our midst!  I wanted the campus atmosphere to be different.  I wanted people to walk around and their faces portraying that they had “tasted and seen that the Lord is good” (Ps. 34:8).

Here’s what I preached:


What’s God’s Will for My Life?

“The phrase ‘the will of God‘ can sound very mysterious, like a code to be broken or a puzzle to be figured out, but it is actually another way to describe ‘what God wants.‘ His will is described as both a way of living our lives that brings Him the most pleasure as well as His master plan for our lives that will bring Him the most glory” (The Resolution, page 206).

If you are like most people, you may be wondering what the will of God is for your life. What is your next step? Be assured that there is one person who wants you to know the will of God even more than you want to know it – and that is God Himself!

He will not hide it from you, and He sincerely wants you to fulfill it. Read what God’s will is for your life in Ephesians 5:15-17.


NGU Crusade (Appreciate the Prayers)

I was blessed to go to North Greenville University (it was College back then).  The Spirit used some special people to lead me there, and I remember when I knew I wanted to go to school there.  I was sitting in the President’s office listening to Dr. Jimmy Epting talk about the figurine on his table.  It was a picture of Jesus washing a disciple’s feet.  Here was the President of this school telling a high school senior that he saw that as his job at the school.  He was to serve others and point them to Jesus.

In a time when the other schools I was looking at were drifting further from the Bible’s teaching, here was a man who embraced it wholeheartedly.  The other people I met along the way were just confirmation.  I went to school there and it served as some of the most impacting, pivotal 4 years of my life.

That’s why when I was asked to be a part of 2 things this year at NGU, I was beyond humbled.


Pray While Abiding in Christ

The Press Secretary for the President of the United States has an intense job. Regularly, he is scrutinized on the administration’s activity and answers to the problems of the day. In each situation, he must be prepared to speak on behalf of the President.

The only way he can confidently speak for the one in charge is that he has spent a lot of time with the President. He is confident of his agenda. He knows how the President would answer the question, and therefore, he answers on his behalf.

Wouldn’t it be great if that could be said of you concerning your time with God?


Pray in Secret

Jesus instructed his followers that when they pray, they are to pray in secret. Read Matthew 6:6 and see how he tells his followers to pray specifically.

But when you pray, go into your private room, shut your door, and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you. 

In what manner does Jesus want us to pray?  He wants us to pray in secret.

If we follow this instruction, what did Jesus promise?  He will actually reward us?!  What do you think that could mean?


Greater is He

In following Christ, you will encounter a certain type of opposition with people whose approval you might seek as you go forward. In addition to that conflict, you will also experience forces that are adamantly against you and your progress.

Every person who ever tried to fight a noble cause experienced great opposition.

Jesus stated that the enemy comes to “steal, kill, and destroy” (John 10:10). He wants to destroy every aspect of you and your fight.

If you are trying to unite your family, he will try to steal your joy by resistance in family members. If you are trying to mobilize the men in your church to lead, he will attempt to kill your drive to go forward. If you are trying to seek justice for people in unfortunate situations, he will set his efforts towards destroying any progress that you made. He will come with all the fury of Hell, make no mistake about it.

But he doesn’t have to win.


Sermon Clip: “Jesus Wants the Rose”

I always want to expose you to some great teaching.  Matt Chandler, is the Pastor of the Village Church, author, speaker, and survivor from a recent brain tumor.  Enjoy this clip from Matt Chandler from a Desiring God Conference and his powerful declaration that “Jesus Wants the Rose.”