Forgiving Your Father’s Killer

When Steve Saint was 5 years old, his father, Nate, was speared to death by Waodani tribesmen in Ecuador. Nate was the pilot of a five member team who reached these deadly warriors. After a friendly first encounter, the tribesmen turned on these missionaries and killed them.

In the absence of his father, Steve was loved by an older man who served to be a father figure. Throughout the majority of Steve’s adult life, he has traveled with this man, served in ministry with this man, and even lived beside this man. Both families spend so much time together that it seems as if they are all one big happy family.

Steve’s father figure is a man named Mincaye — the man who killed his father.


For Liberty and Justice for All

Today, the United States celebrates Independence Day.  To remember our freedom, we will keep our neighbors up all night by the shooting of fireworks and eating plenty of BBQ.  For liberty and justice for all.

While I am thankful for the liberty and justice that the US provides, there is a higher justice for which all believers should strive.


The Father Who Prays

Rick Via is an evangelist who has shared the gospel in over 40 foreign countries. Through his work in the United States and all over the world, he has seen many converts and equipped many saints for the work of ministry. While his ministry has been very active and busy for years, his greatest contribution to the Kingdom comes in a different arena.

Rick and his wife, Janet, have 5 grown children who are all “involved in ministry in one form or fashion.” They are also blessed to have an ever growing number of grandchildren through biological and adoptive means. While he has invested into countless lives around the world, he never stopped investing into his children.


Godly Grief vs. Worldly Grief

I have been in counseling situations lately that reminded me that I only had one seminary course in counseling.  I don’t believe I gave any bad advice, it was biblical for sure.  But I was maybe a bit bolder than what the average counselor has been instructed to be. As people have sat weeping in my office over their lives …


Authority Issues

In addition to training your children to submit to your authority, you are also responsible to teach them to submit and to honor all of the authorities in their lives. The Resolution, a great read, provides some questions to ask what type of example you are setting with your own life:

Answer the following questions honestly:

  • When you’re at home, how do you talk about your leaders at work and church?
  • What do your children hear you saying about the government or elected representatives? Even if you disagree with them, is your attitude respectful?
  • Do they see you praying for your authorities (1 Timothy 2:1-4)?
  • How do they see you respond to speed limits and state troopers?
  • Does this match your talk about how God places authorities in our lives for our benefit?

Take a minute to read Romans 13:1-7 and discover how God expects us to behave towards our authority.


What’s “Worse” Than an Unbeliever?

“Blessed are the breadwinners. As men, we should consider it an honor to embrace our role as the primary providers of our families. This is part of our manhood and calling as representatives of God the Father — the One who established work as part of His creation and is still ‘working‘ (John 5:17) as an example for us to follow, continually providing for our daily needs” (From The Resolution, page 157).

Whether you love your job or hate your job, God desires that you embrace the blessed opportunity to provide for your family through your vocation. Unfortunately, many men find themselves unemployed and unable to provide for their families. Many different reasons exist for unemployment. Some men are unemployed for no wrongdoing on their part, but economic times have caused their jobs to be discarded. Some men are unemployed due to their bad attitude or lazy work ethic. Other men are unemployed because they quit because they thought they deserved more than their current job.

Your reasoning for unemployment will determine your method for finding a job.


Learning Contentment

As a parent, you know the frustration associated with Christmas morning. Your children tear open one gift to behold something they have desperately asked for, and before the wrapping has time to fall to the floor, they are already reaching for the next shiny package.

There’s something in all of us like that. We do acknowledge the blessings we have. We might even give God thanks for them, but somewhere along the way, we become discontented. Read 1 Timothy 6:6-10 to hear Paul’s instruction to his son in the faith, Timothy.


Turning From Sin

While our sin is against God (Ps. 51:4), no matter what the sin is, our sin still has a way to negatively affect others. We must address the sin in our own lives.

Read Psalm 32:3-4 and discover the weight sin can bring upon you:


The Commission of the Christ

As we finish up our Christology, we must take a good look at the commission of the Christ.

Matthew 28:16 Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them.17 And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted.18 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them int the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

After Jesus rose from the dead, he appeared to hundreds of followers during a span of 40 days.  At the end of this time, the disciples saw him ascending into heaven.  His final words were words of sending the disciples out.  Matthew’s account is what is usually quoted.  Let’s look at some of the key things to note:


How “Low” Would You Go for a Job?

My friend Jonathan never pictured himself unemployed. Obtaining a bachelor’s and masters degree in his field, he was a great candidate for many jobs. Working during his time at school, upon graduation, he was able to receive a great job with a good salary with benefits.

After a few years in this job, he took a stand for something he was right and it cost him. Unwilling to back down from his convictions, he was forced out of his job in a hard economic time. He sent out resumes all over town. Due to family situations, he was unable to look for unemployment outside of the city. For all of his job hunting, he came up empty.

The only place that was hiring was a job that was way below his education or his prior pay scale. It would also be a job where he would be visible and a reminder of his previous job termination.

He had a choice: humbly provide for his family or worry about his reputation?