The Resurrection of the Christ

In our Christology, we have reached a pretty pivotal section: the resurrection of the Christ.  Jesus is risen!  He is risen indeed!

Few people deny the fact that a man named Jesus lived on this earth, gathered a large following, seemed to be a pretty decent guy, and then was killed.  The point of debate has always been: did a dead man rise from the grave?

As we think about this section, here are some things to remember:


The Danger of Hypocrisy

Hypocrisy. It’s when hands lifted in praise have been earlier used for sin. It’s when lips proclaiming praise had hours earlier been used for insults. It’s when one’s reputation and one’s character are vastly different. The Pharisees were condemned for their hypocrisy. We read the stories of their encounters with Jesus and shake our heads at how far off they were from the truth without realizing that that is why they were condemned in the first place.

Today, we need to evaluate and see if our lifestyle is different than that of the hypocritical Pharisees. Are we living lives of integrity? Read Jesus’ words in Matthew 15:1-9.


The Crucifixion of the Christ

At this point in our Christology, we have arrived at the point where wrath and grace became forever entwined.  The crucifixion of the Christ changed everything.

All 4 of the gospels report this event and yet each one has unique details.  When put together, the 4 combine to provide many details about what happened when Love laid down his life willingly.

Here are some things to note:


The Dedication of the Christ

In this week’s Christology study, we are focusing on Jesus’ dedication to the will of God.  Shown throughout his entire time on earth, it is visible very clearly at the Garden of Gethsemene.  Leaving the Last Supper, Jesus brought along the inner 3 to one of his favorite places to pray.

Here are some things to note from this section:


The Exhortation of the Christ

As we continue this Christology, we reached the section where we focus upon Jesus’ relationship with the Pharisees.  Volatile, to say the least.  Jesus was doing so much good, but these religious leaders were so upset that he wasn’t doing it on the right day or in the right way.  They were more concerned with their traditions than they were God’s Kingdom expanding right before their eyes.

Here are some things to remember about this group that couldn’t stand Jesus:


Just as Christ Forgave You

It’s Passion week.  It’s the week we celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus.  It’s a week when we should be reminded the great level to which Christ forgave us.

And we, in turn, are to forgive others in the same way.

This subject matter is pretty intense. Dealing with past hurts in which we were the victim or the culprit are never fun to visit.   It is extremely hard to forgive those who have hurt us

Read Colossians 3:12-15 to see how we should forgive:


Have You Read Every Word in the Bible?

Decisions become very simple when you put them through the lens of Scripture. God’s Word is more than adequate to provide direction and focus for every aspect of your life (2 Tim. 3:16-17). Read Hebrews 4:12 and look to see how powerful God’s Word is: For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, …


The Lord Will Fight for You (While You Keep Silent)

As Moses approached the Red Sea, a nation of followers anxiously awaited his next move while an army of vengeful Egyptians pursued them ever more closely.  While Israel became uneasy and demanded Moses to do something, his response was a shock then and it is to so many of us:

“The LORD will fight for you when you keep silent” (Ex 14:14).

At that point, Moses stretched out his arms and waited for God to come through and deliver them.

The problem with us is we think we are a better fighter than God.


The Invitation of the Christ

As we continue our weekly installment of a Christology, we have arrived into section 9: the invitation of the Christ.  One of Jesus’ biggest criticisms was that he was a friend of sinners.

You have heard the phrase: “Hate the sin, but don’t hate the sinner.”  That’s a difficult line to walk.  How can we befriend sinners and not getting stuck in the sin that entangles them?  You might think it is impossible to do it, but it’s not.  Jesus hung around sinners but he never sinned.  Oftentimes, I see Christians hang around sinners but avoid being intentional about Kingdom living.  It’s almost an attempt to remain unscathed than it is to change lives.

How come most unchurched people avoid churched people because they are perceived as stuffy, judgmental, hypocritical goody-two-shoes, and yet sinners would invite Jesus to the party?

Here are some things to remember:


The Manifestation of the Christ

As we continue in the Christology, this week we are studying the miraculous deeds of Jesus.  These works served as a manifestation of the Christ and showed his omnipotence.  With Jesus, truly, all things are possible.

The deaf can hear.  The blind can see.  The lame are rising up to stand upon their feet.  He calmed the storm.  He quieted souls.  He mended the broken.  The empty were filled.  The sick made well.  The mute began to speak of his glory.  The dead were rising.  With Christ, all things are possible.

But, do we really believe that?  Do we honestly believe that Jesus can come in and fix that circumstance clouding our view?