Public Worship vs. Private Devotion

This week’s worship training tip has to do with value #2: credibility – leading with integrity. Never let your public worship exceed your private worship. At my first Passion event years ago, I hear Beth Moore say that she never wanted her public worship to exceed her private worship.  She said that it is very easy to get excited about

Worship Team Communication

It has been a few weeks since I posted a worship team training thought on here, so I wanted to post something I had been working on.  This month’s value is unity: leading with selflessness. We are a team.  The musicians, technicians, and host team.  We all work together to make one thing happen: we want to create an environment

Worship Leading Excellence: Honoring or Distracting?

Last night, in our worship team training, I asked the question: when does excellence in leading worship become a distraction? As we are spending this month focusing on worship value #3: capability – leading with excellence, a tension arose in my mind.  Psalm 33:3 says: “Sing to Him a new song, play skillfully with a shout of joy.”  As musicians,

Worship Teams: We Are Better Than I

This week’s worship team training starts us focusing on our third installment (#1 was humility, and #2 was credibility). Worship Team Value #3: Capability – leading with excellence Big idea: We are better than I. We do want to lead with excellence.  Our musicians, vocalists, and technicians, we want to lead with quality.  We do so not to draw people’s

Our Tech Team is the Best!

Last night, we had a special tech team training and appreciation event.  I knew this before last night, but it served as a great reminder – our tech team is incredible!  They are sincere servants.  They have massive skills and incredible hearts!  It is an honor to serve with them. While we spent time vision casting and fellowshiping, we also

Worship Value #2: Credibility – Leading with Integrity

Last month, our worship team training focused on our first value: humility – leading with perspective.  This month, we are focusing on #2: credibility – leading with integrity.  If the first month focused on who God is, this second month is a focus on who we are as leaders. Credibility – leading with integrity Big Idea: If your reputation and

Confessions of a Recovering Unintentional Worship Pastor

I’ve been challenged as of late by a very wise and creative friend to hone my skills as a leader.  One of the things he asked me this month was: “How do you help train and develop your worship team?” Hmmm. “Does it count that I took the people who recorded a worship CD last year to a Chris Tomlin concert?”

Pray for Your Church Staff

The prince of preachers, Charles Spurgeon, was once asked about the secret of his success and he stated, “My people pray for me.” In this month’s worship team training focus, availability – leading with presence, I want to focus on being available to one another through prayer.  Today, I want to challenge you to pray for your church staff. North

“When I Get to Heaven, I’m Going to Ask…”

“When I get to heaven, I’m going to ask…” (responses below submitted by my friends on Facebook) “Why were my parents not alive?” “Why couldn’t we stop bad people from doing bad things to children or others in this world?” “How did prayer work?  Did our prayers actually work?” “Why did I get into that wreck on my way to