Understanding Youth Culture Today

We had a great time this weekend at the Parenting Teenagers Workshop.  In our area, many churches come together during Disciple Now weekend for the times of worship and fellowship.  As I talked with Ben Hjalmer, I asked how we could make this a more family-equipping weekend.  What normally happens in Disciple Now is some great discipleship moments for teenagers but …


The Danger of Worldliness

I tend to look at the shape of our world and the morals of people who aren’t following Jesus and think that I am a pretty good guy.  I look around at how blatantly sinful other people are, and my “respectable” and “quiet” sins don’t seem as severe, and gradually I just get complacent. I look at other people’s standard …


Be the Protest

I was sitting in a hotel room with my family when the verdict was announced.  I had the TV quiet enough not to wake the children as I read the subtitles over the paired videos of President Obama calling for peace on one side and watching Ferguson completely unravel on the other side. As tears filled my eyes, I longed for heaven. …


Alpha-Bits and Creation

The craziest thing happened the other morning. I had overslept and was chaotically running around the house trying to get ready in time for work.  As I ran by the kitchen table, I saw the most peculiar thing. A box of Alpha-Bits had been overturned on the table, some of the cereal had spilled out, and it actually spelled this

How Far Is Too Far?

In my time as a pastor, I have been asked many different questions.  Without a doubt, one of the most frequently asked questions is this: So how far is too far? In most contexts, people are asking it in relation towards dating and what is allowed physically in a relationship. The problem with that question is that it is a self-referentially

I Kinda Agree with Victoria Osteen

When Victoria Osteen’s comments concerning worshiping God came out days ago, I was shocked like many of you.  I refrained from posting any comments because I really wanted to take it in and process it all. If you are one of the few that have not seen it, the clip below is her comments during a worship service a couple

Ferguson Is Closer Than You Realize

Moving through a busy week, I have only caught brief glimpses of the news.  It seems like it would have been a great week to turn it off altogether because of the overwhelming nature concerning the state of our world. This week, persecution towards Christians and violence has escalated in Iraq, comedian Robin Williams committed suicide, and unarmed teenager Michael

You Should Be Yahweh’s Witnesses Instead of Jehovah’s Witnesses

My dialogue with some Jehovah’s Witnesses has continued as of late.  After a couple of encounters, I sent my new friends an email with some questions and asked for their leaders to help me understand some discrepancies within the New World Translation. When they showed up back at the house last week, they said they didn’t have adequate time to talk about

What LeBron’s Return to Cleveland Says About Each of Us

A picture says a thousand words. A simple snapshot is able to archive a moment, capture an emotion, or recall a memory.  It’s an amazing feat. Take the arena of basketball.  I can show you a picture of a player in an event and it will cause you possibly to remember the moment and recall your personal feelings about that

Should Patriotic Music Be Used in Church?

Mondays for ministers are often unpredictable.  You really don’t have adequate time to process what God did among your church on Sunday before a whole new set of challenges are waiting for you on Monday. My Monday mornings usually consist of addressing anything that needed to be addressed from yesterday, sending out thank you’s to those who served, scheduling my calendar