What Does Mitt Romney Really Believe?

Mitt Romney is in the news a whole lot these days. But besides being one of the frontrunners for the Republican nomination for President, he is also being scrutinized because of his beliefs. Romney is a Mormon. And I regularly hear someone say, “now Mormonism is the religion that believes…” Many Christians are confused if Mormons believe the same as …


The Situation

You can’t really appreciate the light until you fully comprehend the darkness. There are warning labels on just about everything. Jeff had a bag full of items with warning labels on them. Everyone is warning us about something, but no one is saying a word about the most dangerous thing out there. CNN won’t talk about it. Schools won’t educate …


What’s Making Christians Upset Over The Golden Compass?

The Golden Compass is a children’s movie that is coming to theatres on December 7th. The following post is not a PR statement on whether or not to watch the movie. You will have to decide if you want to financially support the movie. This is not a political post trying to sway you on whether or not the movie …


O, What’s a Church to Do?

What would happen to Greenwood tomorrow morning if North Side Baptist Church ceased to be?  What would take place in our community if our church’s presence in the community completely vanished?  Would it be tragic or even noticeable?  Would people miss a building or would they miss a movement?  Would they realize only the numbers missed versus the lives transformed? …


Consumerism Christmas Commences

Amanda and I probably got 87.7% of our Christmas gifts bought today! And what’s even more amazing is that we never left Greenwood! I know – it is unheard of but tis true. It was fun and not too crazy, but we had our budget, and we started working down the list and we were pretty happy with all that …


Why 18-22 Year Olds Are Missing from Church

Most churches look around on a Sunday morning and count who is in attendance.  But how many churches look around to notice who is not represented there?  How many church members look at the age brackets of their church and become worried?  If you haven’t looked around lately, it’s time that you did.  18-22 year olds are missing from most …


People Dissatisfied with Their Church

I was reading this week an interesting study done out at Willow Creek Community Church.  Willow Creek is known for its role in the seeker sensitive movement.  They are loved by some, hated by others, but regardless of one’s opinion on them, they have reached numerous people for Christ over the years of the church’s existence.  Not only that, but …


The Web 2.0 Culture

In the last few months, I have really begun to think about where our culture is and where it is heading.  Follow my random thoughts for a moment on the undercurrent of our culture’s direction:  10 years ago, the most watched TV shows were comedy and dramas.  This genre dominated the airwaves. 10 years ago, the most common use of …


Evangelism vs. Missions

An interesting conversation developed today in class. The school at Southern Seminary at which I am getting my degree is called the Billy Graham School of Missions, Evangelism and Church Growth. The dean was asking us about what kind of connotations the term “Church Growth” gives. Some people, believe that the Church Growth Movement (labeling anything as creativity or different …


Lessons in Spirituality on “24”

This week, in my new favorite show, 24, there was a great lesson in postmodernism. If you don’t know, postmodernism is the favorite pattern of thought in America today. Its basic tenet is that there is no absolute truth. Your truth is truth. Mine is truth. Even if they absolutely contradict, they are both true. Brilliant, huh? On 24, Doyle, …