My Thoughts on the Election Results

I stayed up way too late last night watching everything come in; it’s not that it is too late, but it is when your six month old still wakes you up too early!  It was a historical night, and here are some of my thoughts: Regarding Civil Rights: Our country has come a really long way.  Regardless of what you …


My Stance on the Upcoming Election

As the election gets closer by the day, it is always interesting to me how faith and politics get intermingled.  Some churches and pastors are very vocal from the pulpit concerning issues or who they support.  Other churches don’t discuss the issue declaring the need for separation of church and state. Our country is in the middle of crazy times.  …



Pretty disappointed to read this article this week: KIM WHEATLEY, CHIEF REPORTER August 22, 2008 01:10am PASTOR Michael Guglielmucci has been told by church officials to report to police, who will investigate what has happened to money raised during his cancer deception. The Australian Christian Churches told The Advertiser yesterday that it was auditing Mr Guglielmucci’s bank accounts, which included …


Obama vs. McCain (Rick Warren the Referee?!)

If you weren’t aware of the Saddleback Civil Forum that happened on Saturday night, you missed out.  Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback Church, wrote one of the greatest-selling books of all time, trying to take on all the world’s problems through his PEACE plan, and all around great guy, he decided to bring the two presidential candidates together for the …


10 Commandments on a Soap Opera?!

We were watching Family Feud tonight on the Game Show Network (we are so old), and we got a good survey on the culture.  The category was “Which of the 10 Commandments are Broken Most Often on Soap Operas?” These are the ones that people thought made the top 10 list: No lusting Love your neighbor as yourself Be fruitful …


Perfect Timing

What a great Sunday. As our church continues to heal, it was great to come together today and sing words like, “You are my shield, my strength, my portion, deliverer, my shelter, strong tower, my very present help in times of need.” In times of need like we are going through, it is comforting to know that he is presently …


Theological Survey Results

A couple of weeks ago, I conducted a theological survey of our adults at North Side. This is for a requirement for my next degree, but I tailored the questions to help our staff discern teaching and directional needs for our church in the area of evangelism and missions. Concerning conducting this survey, I was hesitant. A number of our …


I’m Going to Get Expelled

At North Side on Sunday, Fred mentioned his support of an upcoming film entitled, Expelled. Ben Stein, who I thought was just that funny looking, boring sounding guy who played as random cameos in TV shows and movies, turns out to be a very involved figure in American classroom and political circles over the last few decades. He is very …


I’ve Got a New Job!

Yes, it’s true. I have accepted a new job. North Side has been great, but alas it is time to move on. I’m just kidding, but I do have a new job. The beauty of this job is I get to stay at North Side to do it! In the Fall, I am going to be an adjunct professor at …


Submission According to Huckabee

If you didn’t get to see the GOP Presidential debate in Myrtle Beach, SC last night, it was another interesting display of banter between the Republican candidates. One of the most culturally-informing moments of the debate last night was when one of the moderators asked former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee about a statement of faith he signed with members of …