How Do I Recognize Abuse? [Ministry Mandated Reporting]

Due to having to deal with abusive situations in my years as a pastor, I learned a lot by asking questions of friends who deal with such issues in their professions.  I was shocked to be educated on certain things. I decided to pull together an expert panel who could help churches and ministries navigate through the legal requirements concerning abuse. …


What Is Abuse? [Ministry Mandated Reporting]

I learned a lot in seminary, but there are some things they don’t train you for in seminary. One of those issues is concerning how pastors are to handle situations relating to abuse.  Many pastors believe a myth that they don’t have to report something that is shared in a counseling session.  That is simply untrue. Some pastors and churches …


Why We Chose Homeschooling (And Why You Shouldn’t)

The Agnews have been homeschooling for the last three years, and I really haven’t talked about it much.  Besides the video below that I made on the boys’ first day of kindergarten chronicling their long walk to school, I really haven’t opened up about why we chose this path. Homeschooling can be a divisive topic in our society, and so I haven’t made a …


When Hatred Casts the Ballot

I don’t like to blog about too many political issues, so this post will be brief and clear.  After Super Tuesday’s unsurprising results, I want to share just a few thoughts in a few hundred words. In this election, many people are voting against what they hate rather than for what they love. A common theme you hear on every …


Planned Parenthood and the Backward Ethics of America

In a strange turn of events today, a grand jury indicted two people who pretended to want to purchase aborted fetal body parts rather than the organization that was selling them.  Months ago, a group’s sting operation provided footage that showed Planned Parenthood employees admitting to illegal activity concerning partial birth abortion procedures and the potential profits. So, fetuses that are …


Under Our Skin: A Conversation About Race

The Gospel Coalition, Benjamin Watson, and Darrin Patrick joined together on the one-year anniversary of the Ferguson, Missouri court case decision for an honest conversation about racial tension and how the Rescuer, Jesus Christ, brings reconciliation to all. Watch the replay above.

What’s a Church Supposed to Do With Halloween?

It’s that time of year again.  The leaves are falling, the temperature is dropping, and flannel abounds everywhere you turn.  While there are many favorite events and experiences associated with the Fall season, one of my favorites is North Side’s annual Fall Festival. For years, this event has been a great night for people inside and outside of our church …


Implications of the Ashley Madison Hack

Our family was in Charleston when I first read the news about the Ashley Madison hack.  When our clan was stuffed together in a hotel room and I was reading news on my phone as they young ones fell asleep, I came across this story and was blown away. If you haven’t heard the story, here’s the rundown: Ashley Madison …


No, Mr. President

The video above is from a John Piper sermon delivered in 2009.  In light of the news today, it has been a serious reminder for me to: Speak out for those who have had their voice removed from them Pray for our President Pray that this news will cause a change to happen with him and other leaders

Partial-Birth Abortions to Sell Baby Parts

I have no words.  I am physically sick right now.  When are we going to wake up? If you haven’t seen the video from the sting operation that revealed a level of wickedness many didn’t think possible, you can watch it above. Warning: it is disturbing at the callous nature of this conversation. So, fetuses that are too useless to …