Giving Much Doesn’t Require Having Much

The rich and distinguished people in Jesus’ day believed that their worldly affluence provided them with divine acceptance. When Jesus praised a poor widow’s offering, He revealed that the heart of giving is more important than the amount of giving. Mark 12:35-44 35 And as Jesus taught in the temple, he said, “How can the scribes say that the Christ is the

When Riches Rob You of Jesus

A rich young man wanted to follow Jesus, but he loved his possessions too much. We must be careful that our riches don’t rob us of following Jesus.   Mark 10:17-31 17 And as he was setting out on his journey, a man ran up and knelt before him and asked him, “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit

3 Vital Concepts Regarding Marriage and Money

One of the greatest sources of conflict in marriage is finances.  

Money isn’t the root of evil.  The love of money is the root of evil (1 Tim. 6:10).  Money alters the way people think and act.  People think, say, and do unexpected things when it comes to the increasing accumulation of wealth. 


Don’t Go Broke This Christmas

Welcome to Christmas.  Tis the season to be broke. In the midst of the holiday pressures, I wanted to make sure that you don’t start the upcoming year in a bad, indebted way.  Here are some financial tips to survive the Christmas season: Make a Christmas budget.  Here’s how we do it.  We establish how much money we have saved

November’s Focus: Budget

It’s a new month and that means it’s time for a new focus for the leadership at Rocky Creek.  Each month, we are focusing on a specific area to really develop as a church body.  Just to catch you up, here’s what we have been focusing on at Rocky Creek: January: Pastor – I am so thankful you allowed me

Preparing a Church Budget

Every church has to prepare a church budget every year.  Before the congregation receives it, a substantial amount of time and a significant amount of people have prayed, talked, and worked hard to prepare it.  So, how should the process work? While there are many logistical tasks to be done, this endeavor is truly a spiritual exercise.  In preparing a

Your Money Counts

With the economy reeling in the wake of the recent recession, many people are experiencing such financial challenges as credit card debt, downsizing, dead-end jobs, and inadequate or depleted savings. With these challenges come others as well. Recent studies confirm that more than half of all divorces are the result of financial pressures at home. And spiritually, many people are

The Total Money Makeover

As newlyweds, we read The Total Money Makeover to understand the newfound responsibilities and opportunities concerning personal finances.  I honestly was clueless, and so I bought this book so that my bride didn’t think I would remain clueless.  It was a complete game-changing eye-opener for us during our first year of marriage. I am currently taking some guys through some

The Debt Snowball

Want to get out of debt? Here is a principle that can help you do just that. Enjoy this video?  Check out the growing collection of Family Alter videos!

5 Financial Tips for Newlyweds

I’ve had the privilege to officiate many weddings.  I tried to count the other day, and I have led almost 40 weddings so far.  With those weddings, I have also counseled about 40 couples as they embark upon marriage. One of the greatest sources of conflict in marriage is finances. It doesn’t matter concerning family backgrounds, experiences, or amount of