The Stewardship of the Church

As we continue through our “Church Matters” series, we come to week 8 – “The Stewardship of the Church.”  As far as the planning of the service goes, we focused on finding our satisfaction in God and not in our stuff.  The worship time was intended to lead people to realize that all of our contentment can be found in our relationship with God.

Jeff’s message was so legit.  I loved how he started it sharing how oftentimes money sermons go in a church and how he promised not to do that.  He said something to the tune of “I can preach on tithing here at this church or anywhere and the offering will go up for about 2 months and then go back to the regular amount…I’m just gonna be honest with you.  I refuse to preach the Word of God so that we will get more money.  My job as one of the pastors of this flock is not to get more money out of you but my job is to help you become greater worshipers of the Almighty.”  It was the best sermon I have ever heard on what stewardship truly is.

Today, we worshiped to:


Hurrying After Wealth

Making money is not an evil thing and can be a thing that God uses to meets the needs of others. But an overly-ambitious heart can lead to greed and the downfall of a man’s wealth and integrity.

Take a moment and read Proverbs 28:21-22:


Never Seen the Righteous Forsaken

“Men work. Men provide. And when those men are children of God who call on Him as their Father, they can be sure that God will always meet their needs” (From The Resolution, page 160).

Sometimes, even the hardest working man comes upon financial challenges. Families grow, bills increase, unexpected expenses occur, salaries shift, and yet in the middle of all of these circumstances, God provides.

Take a moment to read Psalm 37:25-29:


Make More Money

Money is a tool. Money is not moral or immoral. It is amoral. It can be used for good or bad. Money in of itself is not evil. The love of money is the root of all types of evil (1 Timothy 6:10).

In fact, God is not against you making more money. It’s actually a good thing. Read Ephesians 4:28 and find out why:


Don’t Go in Debt on Black Friday

Thanksgiving is this week and what does that mean for America?  We are already focused on Christmas consumerism.  We are getting ready to honor the incarnation of God himself by going into debt up to our eyeballs.  Dangerous stampedes will happen all over our country on Friday to obtain gadgets before others do on the cusp of a day to celebrate gratefulness to what we already have.

Maybe there is a different way.

Before going shopping on Black Friday, I want to offer you a few tips:


“The Church is Always Talking About Money…”

I will never forget that conversation this year.  I talked with a guy who said every time he came to church, the preacher was always talking about money.  That revealed two things: 1) He had been to one of our church services twice within the last year, and 2) money had become his god.  And we cannot serve two masters.

A Pastor’s Wish List: A Debt-Free Church

We started a new sermon series today entitled “A Pastor’s Wish List.” Finances are an important part of life and they are given to achieve the same purpose as all other resources: to bring glory to God. If we obey God’s teaching in the area of finances, His church will be able to accomplish more in ministry and we will

Leadership Team Retreat

Tuesday through Thursday, I went to Hickory Knob State Park with North Side’s leadership team to strategize and to simplify.  We worked on the year’s upcoming budget and calendar and also tweaked a few things that needed improving.  While there is no way to include everything we worked through, I can give you a few topics so you can be

Bailout #4 (You + Credit Cards = Danger)

I have a rule about spending: unless it is a house, car, or education, I don’t borrow money.  I do not have a credit card.  Once I got a job, I decided to save money for any spending that I needed to do, but I never borrowed money.  I definitely never borrowed money from family because that leads to scrutiny

Chapter 10: The Budget (Freshman 15 Snippet)

Here’s a snippet from Chapter 10: The Budget: Besides food and lodging, there are plenty of other spending temptations.  Maybe you have the honest desire to dress like the most popular students on campus.  You don’t want to drive your mom’s minivan when other students are driving sports cars.  With the click of a “Buy” button, you can easily get