Preparing End-of-Life Plans

As we age, we must prepare our end-of-life plans so that our loved ones are not unfairly clueless or unnecessarily burdened. God’s Word gives us great insight regarding how we should make plans now for the inevitable to come.

Having Too Much and Giving Too Little

Having stuff isn’t sinful as long as it doesn’t have you, but we often feel like our worth is wrapped up in what we own. Instead of thinking about what we can give, we focus on what we can get and miss out on a better path.

The Danger of Discontentment

Ecclesiastes 5:8-6:12 – Without contentment, we will protect our possessions with unhealthy perspectives. The treasures of this life are gifts from God as long as they don’t replace Him. 

Ambitiously Rich and Relationally Poor

Ecclesiastes 4:4-5:7 – You can have all this world has to offer and no one to share it with due to how you align your priorities. Ensure your life has the margin to grow relationally with God and others.

How to Know If You Love Money Too Much

Money is a gift from God, but if it is not kept in the right position, it will take the place of God in our lives. In our society that treasures the riches of this world in an unhealthy way, disciples of Jesus must refocus their values.

Decreasing Debt

Dissatisfaction leads to unnecessary purchases and increasing debt. Discover God’s principles for decreasing debt and living in financial freedom.

You Lack One Thing

Each of us has that one thing that really has us. It is difficult to follow Jesus closely if you delight in something more than Him.

Reclaiming Contentment

Stuff can’t save us, but that doesn’t stop us from thinking that the more that we have, the more contented we can become. The reality is that we must prioritize a settled disposition in our lifetime if we are going to survive materialistic traps.

Giving Out from What You’ve Been Given

Exodus 25:1-9 – God instructed the people to give in specific ways to create a place to meet with Him. The offerings of these formerly enslaved people are much like ours – given from the overflow of God’s provision.

Practicing Contentment

Exodus 20:17 – The tenth commandment cautioned against coveting anything that belongs to someone else. We cannot practice contentment if we constantly compare what God has provided us with what we see adorning others.