Safeguarding Possessions

Exodus 20:15 – The eighth commandment discouraged the practice of stealing. If we trust God for what we need and work diligently to provide for those around us, we will never need to take what belongs to another.

Fruitful & Multiply

God’s original command to the first couple was to be fruitful and multiply. It was a call to take what He had given them in order to use it and multiply it to the best of their God-given abilities. God is up to something, and your marriage can be a part of it.

You Can’t Take It With You

Luke 12:13-21 – In The Parable of the Rich Fool, Jesus taught how unreliable our possessions could be to forming and completing our lives. Live for something that outlives you.

Prosperity & Partiality

When robbers approached the puplit of a church one Sunday, they walked away with $1 millon worth of jewelry from the pastor and his wife. Prosperity often leads to partiality, and we must avoid it at all costs.

Fruitful & Multiply

As God placed His stamp upon Adam and Eve, He intended them to spread that image throughout the world. He calls families to be fruitful and multiply through their homes.

Faithful Finances

God should never be an afterthought regarding our finances and possessions. Learn from God’s Word what it means to honor Him with all that He has given to you.

The Danger of Decadence

When we believe our status to be contingent upon what we own in this life, it robs us of obtaining true treasure. Decide if you will either serve God or money.