The Bible’s Heroes Aren’t Role Models

The Bible tells amazing accounts of how ordinary people did extraordinary things, but it also informs us of their struggles. While these men and women weren’t perfect, they looked to another who provided the strength we all needed.

Imitate Their Faith

Hebrews 13:7 – Successful discipleship hinges upon accessible and imitable mentors. Many of us never reach our full spiritual potential because we overlook our need for those farther down the path.

“What Do You Say?”

God has showered us with numerous blessings that our nudging our souls. You can almost hear these gifts questioning us, “What do you say?”

Leaders Worth Imitating

We’ve all had heroes in our lives. They are the people who inspire us to do better, to do more, and to make our lives count for something valuable. Your church needs the type of leaders that set the bar for others to follow in their example. It’s time to go the second mile with leaders worth imitating.

Why Your Pastor Might Be Ready to Quit

Every year, many pastors burn out and quit. Why is that such a common reality? Discover ten things that might be discouraging your pastor, and how to help him address it.

When Jesus Sat Down

The Word When Jesus Sat Down (Heb. 10) Priests could never sit down in worship because sacrifices would always need to be offered. Once Jesus offered himself, he sat down at the right hand of God because the task was finished once and for all. CONTEXT As the early Church grew in doctrine, they saw the complete biblical picture become …


How Jesus Prayed for Us

Did you know that you have a prayer partner? His name is Jesus. Therefore, He is always able to save those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to intercede for them.  -Heb. 7:25 Part of your progress has been due to the diligent prayers that he has prayed on your behalf.  And, guess what?  I have …


My Connection with Tim Tebow

Last year, I preached at a weekend event for pastors and their wives.  I remember it to be an incredible time in God’s Word and prayer with those gathered. Before one of the services, Amanda and I were going through some details when a lady approached me to tell me something. “You don’t know me, but I pray for you every Tuesday.” …