The Dailiness of Devotion

Luke 5:15-16 – You will not grow closer to Christ by accident. Our spiritual conditions are contingent upon the intentional disciplines to withdraw from distractions and engage with devotions.

The Danger of Distraction

Luke 10:38-42 – We often find ourselves distracted by so much that we miss the most important things. If you feel too overwhelmed with distractions, you must evaluate and alter your habits to experience the life Jesus intends for you.

Approachable Attitudes

Those who lead in the church should always strive to portray approachable attitudes as they serve the people walking through the door. People need help, and it would help if they believed you actually want to help them.

Hopeful Hospitality at Church

Christians should know better than anybody that no one is too far gone. We serve a God who has done the impossible time and time again. So when people come to church in dire situations, do you still believe that there is hope?

The Resurrection of Jesus: Luke 24

This video concludes Luke’s epic portrait of Jesus of Nazareth. The disciples discover the empty tomb and eventually have their entire view of the world turned upside-down as they meet the risen Jesus. Luke shows how Jesus’ kingdom of God mission comes to its climactic moment, and he sets the stage for its continuation in Luke’s second volume, Acts.

Studying the Bible Isn’t Enough

You can listen to the greatest sermons, hear the greatest teachers, read the greatest books, and subscribe to all the greatest posts, but you aren’t actually destined to grow in Christ. Studying the Bible isn’t enough. It’s time to go the second mile in working toward biblical application over information.

Two Sides of the Cross

On the cross, Jesus was surrounded by two other men – one desired release and the other redemption. Did you become a Christian to escape consequences or to embrace Christ?

Distinctly Guided

To follow Jesus, you must know what direction He is taking. We are truly guided by God when we study the truth of God’s Word.

The Strategy of Generosity

To be generous entails more than giving an amount; it requires possessing an attitude. Learn how to be wise with what you give and how you give it.

Christmas Eve at Home

When Jesus was born, Joseph and Mary desired to perform what was required of them, but they didn’t have enough resources. Even though they couldn’t do what they should, they committed to do what they could.