No One Leaves a Godly Legacy By Accident

The Agnews love to be outside.  It is always fun sharing adventures together in the fresh air. When we were teaching the boys to throw and kick the ball years ago, something unique happened one evening in the front yard.  I attempted to share the ball with the boys, but their favorite thing was not to have the ball themselves.  …


What You Take for Granted

I had the extreme privilege to preach at the Perry Correctional Institute’s church service yesterday.  I had visited them a while back and gotten connected with them due to my involvement with the Courageous curriculum.  It was great to reconnect with these dear brothers in this level-4 security prison. After leading worship at North Side in what were some really …


Guide the Next Generation

One of the highlights of Family Camp was taking my children on their very first canoe ride.  I had the three children (ages 6, 6, and 2), while Amanda and Tammy were in another canoe.  You might think I was brave, but I think it would have more dangerous being in the canoe with Amanda and Tammy with how jumpy and …


When the Church Hinders the Family

I mentioned earlier this week that my job has changed.  Serving as a Family Pastor has unique challenges.  For some people, they may think that I am going to provide specific help in family situations.  For others, they think that I will be overseeing all children’s and student ministries at the church.  Some people may think I will provide the …


My New Job

I woke up at my normal time today.  I walked into the same office.  But I have a very different job. Today, I started my job as Family and Worship Pastor at North Side Baptist Church in Greenwood, SC. We made the announcement yesterday of some major changes in the coming days with our church.  One of those was concerning …


Courageous in Prison

I would appreciate your prayers today as I travel to Perry Correctional Institute which is a level 3 security prison for men. The movie Courageous has been used in the prison and had an impact on many of inmates. A group of the inmates are about to go through The Resolution for Men Bible Study which I had the privilege of …


When Your Mentor Lets You Down

If you have ever had someone you look up to fall from grace, you know the accompanying pain with their fall.  Whether it was a moral failure or skeletons emerging from a closet, the news is shocking and devastating.  It seems all the more regular that I hear of someone’s role model being exposed for living a hidden life. While we …


The Word

The Bible is not a collection of individual stories and treasured sayings.  It is the one overarching narrative of how Jesus is reconciling a people unto himself.

When a Pastor’s Church and Family Collide

I’ve had some great followup conversations and messages from Sunday’s sermon.  One came in the form of an email regarding something I said concerning PKs (preacher’s kids). In the application section of the message, I stated: Don’t expect pastors to care for your family at such a level that they cannot care for their own family. Scripture is clear that

Family Camp This Summer

I’ve been so encouraged by the messages, texts, and conversations I have received from yesterday’s message.  It seems to have struck a nerve for sure.  It is so encouraging to know that people want to step up and reach their families for Christ. I shared concerning a lot of camps and events that are happening this summer, but I wanted to