Family Camp This Summer

I’ve been so encouraged by the messages, texts, and conversations I have received from yesterday’s message.  It seems to have struck a nerve for sure.  It is so encouraging to know that people want to step up and reach their families for Christ. I shared concerning a lot of camps and events that are happening this summer, but I wanted to …


Are You Creating Consumers Instead of Disciples?

This edition of Short Sermon Saturday features a clip of Greg Laurie at the Resurgence 2013 conference.  In under 4 minutes, Laurie does a great job talking about how we should be as a church.  He asks the question: are you creating consumers instead of disciples?

God Is Better

Ever feel like you are stuck in a temptation trap and can’t get out?  Francis Chan offers great insight and advice in this edition of “Short Sermon Saturday” in the clip below entitled “God Is Better.”

Jesus Didn’t Die for You to Continue in Sin

I’ve had some great conversations since Sunday’s sermon.  God used his Word and his Spirit to show areas in need of change in the lives of our church.  It’s been incredible to hear what people are doing as a result of God’s Word (James 1:22). If you didn’t get to hear the message, you can check it out below.  If …


Why Pastors Should Visit the Sick in the Hospital

Confession: I used to dislike hospital visits. Fresh out of college, I came on staff at North Side and was immersed in a training program.  It wasn’t one in a classroom or one that had a syllabus, but it was one that provided a new situation weekly in which I was forced to learn what to do. My first week …


What Is The Deal Brothers?

I wanted to give you an edition of Short-Sermon Saturday.  It’s a couple of minutes to really challenge you. This one comes from David Platt as he addresses how guys need to grow up and become men.

The Promise of His Return

Today was a busy and yet great day.  I actually had the privilege to be ministering in one way or the other in 3 different ways today.  Love seeing what God is doing in lives around me. North Side I didn’t get to be at North Side this morning, but I put a lot of Bible study, prayer, and preparation …


Is Snake-Handling Biblical?

I could never go to a snake-handling church because: 1) I am not a fan of the vile creatures, and 2) I am not sure of the practice is biblical. The practice has gotten in the news again because Pastor Jamie Coots, a serpent-handling pastor and co-star of the “Snake Salvation” reality television show, died Feb. 15 after suffering a snakebite …


The Open Door Policy

I can still remember the specific conversation in seminary.  We were discussing the practice of ministry as it relates to a pastor’s schedule.  How many hours should one spend in preparing sermons?  How many hours should be utilized for pastoral care (hospital visits, counseling, etc.)? It was a rather interesting conversation.  Some guys didn’t know what their schedule was or …


The 2nd Question I Ask My Wife

As a minister, our family’s schedule can be hectic.  I’m not saying it’s more or less hectic than other folks, but there are unique challenges associated with my job as there are with yours. From time to time, I have been asked to get involved in certain ministry opportunities.  Whether it is a chance to speak at an event, write …