Why Are My Prayers Inconsistent?

If your prayer life consistency is based on how you feel, you will only connect with God when you are desperate. But that’s not healthy. We need something more. We need to have an established connection with God that endures through all times.

Why Am I So Distracted While Praying?

If you’ve ever tried to pray but gotten distracted during it, you are not alone. While we may have different reasons that we get sidetracked, there are some simple changes you can make to your rhythms to help you stay focused during prayer.

Why Do I Have a Pitiful Prayer Life?

Most people claim that prayer is helpful, but our commitment to it says something different. Everyone is busy, but we always find time for what is most important. If you value prayer enough, you will prioritize time to talk with God regularly.

When It’s Not What It’s Supposed to Be

Nehemiah 1:1-11 – Once Nehemiah heard the condition of God’s people, his brokenness led him to prayer. When our circumstances are not what they are supposed to be, do we approach God for His help?

Prioritizing Prayer

You will never intensify your prayer life on accident. In order to pray continually, you must first pray intentionally.

Learning How to Talk to God

Jesus taught us how to pray but not what to pray. In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus gave a template by which we can learn how to talk with God.

Praying for National Leaders

Over a week after the election for President of the United States, much of the country still feels in limbo. With one side claiming victory and the other side refusing to concede, this process may continue for quite some time. Don’t feel helpless or hopeless. It’s time to go the second mile in praying for national leaders.

Are You Praying With Wrong Motives?

James warns believers that certain prayers will not be answered by God. Regardless of how eloquent the words that are used or how passionate the pleas may be, God has promised not to give what has been requested from Him. Those prayers that are spoken out of wrong motives will not be granted.