Are You Praying With Wrong Motives?

James warns believers that certain prayers will not be answered by God. Regardless of how eloquent the words that are used or how passionate the pleas may be, God has promised not to give what has been requested from Him. Those prayers that are spoken out of wrong motives will not be granted.

Hardships Don’t Give a Free Pass for Sin

We often need God’s protection from wicked people, but do we ever consider the protection we need from our own sinful habits? Just because we experience struggles does not mean that we can justify sin.

When Anxiety Attacks

Making a stance for joy is waging a war against worry. Scripture clearly teaches what a disciple should do when anxiety attacks.

Praying the Psalms

Matthew 26:30; 27:45-46 Psalm 24 Preached at Berea First Baptist Prayer Conference At pivotal times, Jesus utilized Scripture that He had previously memorized. At the time of His crucifixion, He specifically employed the Psalms. Matthew 26:30; 27:45-46 All Scripture is inspired by God, but the Psalms are inspired for God. The Psalms train us how to speak to one so

Three Horrible Words to Say to Jesus

Mark 9:14-29 Preached at Berea First Baptist Prayer Conference Lacking Power (9:14-18) Mere association with Jesus doesn’t guarantee access to His power. Our failures not only damage our reputations but they can also tarnish others’ perception of Christ. Struggling Faith (9:19-27) Three horrible words that you should never say to Jesus: if you can. Even when your faith is underdeveloped,

Ask Whatever You Wish

John 15:1-7 Preached at Berea First Baptist Prayer Conference Prayer Conference 2020 – Morning Service – Dr Travis Agnew from Sermons & Videos on Vimeo. You need a relational connection more than a religious commitment. Abiding in Christ is the believer’s commitment to utter dependence upon Jesus. I am incapable of doing anything spiritually worthwhile in my own strength. The

Lord, Teach Us to Pray

Luke 11:1; Matthew 6:9-13 Preached at Berea First Baptist Prayer Conference Out of all that the disciples saw Jesus do, the one thing they asked Him to teach was how to pray. Praying wasn’t necessary for God in the flesh, but His example was essential for us. The Lord’s Prayer was meant to serve more as a template than a

More Than Just Quoting the Lord’s Prayer

If you grew up in church, you probably memorized the Lord’s prayer from Matthew 6. In many services, the entire congregation recites it out loud as a part of the worship. While this is a great implementation, did Jesus mean for us simply to quote it? It’s time to go the 2nd mile with the Lord’s prayer. Listen to the

If We Got What We Deserved

While we honestly hope that others receive what they deserve, do we really want that for ourselves? David cried out to God because he was fully aware of his own need for mercy. Psalm 28 28 To you, O Lord, I call;    my rock, be not deaf to me,lest, if you be silent to me,    I become like those who go down to the pit.2 Hear the