When Spouses Disagree as Parents

A married couple can agree in the majority of areas of their lives together, but if they don’t stay aligned in their parenting, the entire family will feel the stress. What happens when spouses disagree in their roles as parents?

Explanation Without Exaggeration

Our world is polarized on absolutely everything. One way to deescalate conflict is to summarize another’s viewpoint by providing an explanation without an exaggeration.

Natural Revelation

God has graciously revealed Himself to Mankind through His Creation and His Word. Natural Revelation is God’s attempt outside of Scripture to awaken our need for Him.

Bible Reading Challenge

For all the failed attempts at reading God’s Word, you still have this nagging desire to know it better. Instead of wallowing in regret or focusing on failures, make a plan to go forward. You can read the Bible. You can know God better.

Reevaluating Your Filters

Technology opens a door to helpful content and dangerous opportunities. While you may have the best of intentions, are you doing everything you can to protect yourself and your family against the dangers of online material? Do you have a plan to combat it? It’s time to go the second mile in reevaluating your filters. 

Desperation Leads to Satisfaction

 Like a parched deer eagerly seeking water, our souls should desperately seek the presence of God to be refreshed and renewed. We often settle for less than the presence of God simply because we don’t want it bad enough.

Regulating Your Entertainment

Entertainment can inspire us to enjoy the wonder of the life God has given us, or it can entrap us into addictive and unhelpful patterns. We all have certain shows, movies, and media we love, but the danger comes when we lose our filter and limitations. It’s time to go the second mile in regulating your entertainment.

Prioritizing Your Sleep

Sleep is one of those necessary parts of life that gets in the way of over-achievers, but it is essential to your ability to sustain what God has called you to do. When we neglect it, the effects can dramatically change our hours and our habits.

Your Parenting Target

Every parent has a target they are hoping their children hit. While it may never be simply expressed, it is consistently pursued.