When Nature Steals Our Song

While we were made to worship, we often neglect the blessed opportunity. If we look around us, we discover that even nature will sing our song if we refuse to do so.

For Those in Need of Hope

When we look around us at the state of the world, we can easily succumb to fear and anxiety. In the midst of unsettling times, you can turn to God for the hope that you so desperately need.

When God Gives, He Gives Abundantly

It is easy to think about what we wish we had, but how often do we reflect on what God has already provided? A simple review of your life may reveal that God has already blessed you in abundant ways.

Will All People Encounter God?

While I wish that all people would submit to God’s design and directions, I often feel hopeless because I constantly witness how truly rebellious we are. Will all people eventually encounter God before it is too late?

God Wants to Forgive Us

If your version of God portrays a begrudging being forced to be kind to us rather than eagerly willing to be gracious to us, you are not envisioning the God of the Bible. God actually wants to forgive us!

Give Your Mornings to Jesus

Out of all the passions you could pursue in the precious hours of the morning, I believe there is none more beneficial than spending time with Jesus. Before you try to make anything right in the world, make sure you are right with Him.

You’re Different

We share similar characteristics and certain propensities, but we are unique. We are different. And God made us be that way.

Negative Influences

The people we allow in our lives will have a major influence on the directions we take. If you surround yourself with godly people, you have a better chance of becoming godly. But beware of the negative influences that can entice you to change course.

When Spouses Disagree as Parents

A married couple can agree in the majority of areas of their lives together, but if they don’t stay aligned in their parenting, the entire family will feel the stress. What happens when spouses disagree in their roles as parents?