The Type of Worship That’s Magnetic

If we grasp who we are worshiping, we will understand that an hour a week will not suffice. In our awe of who God is, we cannot help but stay humble, which draws others to worship as well.

Investigating Integrity

Instead of focusing on what others see in church, consider what God notices within the revealing aspects of your conduct. Pay attention to the way of integrity, because if you don’t, you will pay attention to something far less worthwhile and most likely experience it.

Reorganizing Your Life

If you are like me, there are days when I feel like my life is spinning out of control. There are so many expectations, and I sometimes struggle to do the bare minimum, let alone what I desire to get to do. If you feel like me, decide to make some changes.

Be Believable With What You Believe

If Christians appear hopeless when they offer the hope of Christ to others, we might need to rethink our perspectives. We should be so believable when we tell others what we believe.

Stop Lying in Church

It’s OK if everything isn’t OK in your life, but it’s not OK to deny it. If we are honest with other believers about our struggles, we can find the prayerful support we desperately need.

Praising His Design

There’s nothing wrong with how God made you. This world will tell you that your insecurities reveal that you need a change, but what you actually require is sacred contentment as you acknowledge God’s blueprint.

Worship as a Symphony

Worship is when we put our individual melodies aside and unite for symphonic praise that God wholeheartedly deserves. Gather with God’s people and make beautiful music together.

How Should I Read the Bible?

The Bible is not a book to cram information into your mind. It is God’s Word for you to study as it studies you. As you prepare a plan with which to read the Bible, ensure that you know how you should be reading the Bible in the first place. Consider what God is saying. It’s time to go the second mile in reading the Bible.

When Should I Read the Bible?

Since God is the most forgiving relationship in our lives, it is easiest to neglect our obligations to Him over other people. But neglecting His Word affects our lives greatly. If you have a plan, you need to decide when you will make time to meditate on God’s Word daily.

3 Steps to Staying Thankful

When everyone seems stressed out, it isn’t easy to maintain a thankful attitude. Even if it doesn’t come naturally, you must resolve to find the goodness of God still lingering on this earth to embody the type of gratitude to thrive.