Treasures in Secret Stashes

I talk about the need for family discipleship often.  My doctoral focus was on equipping parents to evangelize their children.  My current job expects me to equip homes to be the primary discipleship environment for our families.  My most frequent requests to speak center around family discipleship. I champion family discipleship regularly.  I love seeing when it is happening in …


The Membership of the Church


What a special day to be a part of North Side!  Our service started out with the band leading and then we got the joy to pass the microphones over to Point of Grace’s Leigh Cappillino and her husband, Dana, and their daughter, Darby.  I tried to give them some band names for the day but they never stuck (The VonCapps, The Flying Cappilinos, The Cappillino 3, Leigh & the Cappillinos).

Jo Anne Reinhardt gave a great testimony about giving or going to Shake-n-Shine this year, a great church membership testimony from Terri Budreau, and then we got to hear a fantabulous message on church membership.

Leigh Cappillino sang with the Parlers and Kennerlys in college at Charleston Southern and have remained friends since then.  They were nearby visiting family and were gracious enough to pop in and sing for us this morning.  What I love about this family is how real they are.  With all the success Leigh and Point of Grace has had over the years, they are so grounded, humble, and genuine.  And in addition to their character, they are phenomenal musicians!  They did such a great job!

Today, we worshiped to:


The Manifestation of the Christ

As we continue in the Christology, this week we are studying the miraculous deeds of Jesus.  These works served as a manifestation of the Christ and showed his omnipotence.  With Jesus, truly, all things are possible.

The deaf can hear.  The blind can see.  The lame are rising up to stand upon their feet.  He calmed the storm.  He quieted souls.  He mended the broken.  The empty were filled.  The sick made well.  The mute began to speak of his glory.  The dead were rising.  With Christ, all things are possible.

But, do we really believe that?  Do we honestly believe that Jesus can come in and fix that circumstance clouding our view?


Salvation: More Than an Event

Happy Valentine’s Day!  Or should I say, happy salvation day!  What a great day to celebrate the gospel and watch lives be transformed by its message. Thanks to all our volunteers, especially the parking lot team, for helping people have a memorable morning as the snow was still melting on the ground!  You guys are the best! Reminder: get your

Eternity from GRACE

The gospel begins with God, but we messed it up through Rebellion. Our sinful ways separate us from God, and there must be a way back to God. Through Jesus’ death, he provided Atonement for our sins and gives us the chance to be forgiven. Once someone experiences Conversion, that person can have hope in Eternity. Today, we looked at

Atonement of Grace

a·tone·ment (ə-tōn’mənt)  Pronunciation Key n. Amends or reparation made for an injury or wrong; expiation. Reconciliation or an instance of reconciliation between God and humans. Atonement Christianity The reconciliation of God and humans brought about by the redemptive life and death of Jesus. Obsolete Reconciliation; concord. The gospel begins with God, but we messed it up through Rebellion. Our sinful

Rebellion from GRACE

Today was the second week in our GRACE series. To help us understand the gospel, we are using the acrostic “GRACE:” God, Rebellion, Atonement, Conversion, and Eternity. The gospel begins with God, but we messed it up through Rebellion. Our sinful ways separate us from God, and there must be a way back to God. We worshiped to: Here I

God of GRACE

Today we started a new series at North Side called “GRACE.” To help us understand the gospel, for the next few weeks, we will use the acrostic “GRACE:” God, Rebellion, Atonement, Conversion, and Eternity. The gospel begins with God. In fact, it is accurate to say that everything in life begins with God.  Jeff’s message was so powerful: anytime you

Point of Grace and Phil Stacey

Armed with a new album, Point of Grace heads to Greenwood for a full concert with special guest, American Idol finalist Phil Stacey. The concert will be preceded by a special Girls of Grace event for teenage girls and their Moms (details below).  You don’t want to miss this! It’s all happening on Sunday November 9 at North Side Baptist

Theological Survey Results

A couple of weeks ago, I conducted a theological survey of our adults at North Side. This is for a requirement for my next degree, but I tailored the questions to help our staff discern teaching and directional needs for our church in the area of evangelism and missions. Concerning conducting this survey, I was hesitant. A number of our