Common Traits of an Affair

People typically don’t spend their wedding day planning on how they can have an affair in the near future, but that doesn’t stop the unfortunate sin from transpiring. With affairs, common traits are typically present and must be avoided.

Preparing End-of-Life Plans

As we age, we must prepare our end-of-life plans so that our loved ones are not unfairly clueless or unnecessarily burdened. God’s Word gives us great insight regarding how we should make plans now for the inevitable to come.

Aging Well

Ecclesiastes 11:1-12:8 – We grow older daily, which positions us closer to our final day than ever before. Age well by presently preparing for your future state.

Travis Agnew

I’m a disciple of Jesus who attempts to share whatever I’m learning with others as I follow Him.

That’s why this site exists. I pray it helps you follow Jesus.


Don’t Do Stupid Stuff

Ecclesiastes 9:11-10:20 – While limited to how much wisdom we can possess, we should use well what insight God grants us. God’s wisdom can help us avoid doing stupid stuff that causes pain to ourselves and others.

Don’t Die Before Living

Ecclesiastes 9:1-10 – None of us can escape that our lives will end, but we can do something about how we take advantage of the opportunities given. Don’t overlook God’s gifts along the way.

When Life’s Not Fair

Ecclesiastes 8:1-17 – When we see the ungodly flourish and the godly struggle, we might question God’s standard of fairness. Part of trusting God is acknowledging that we may not understand why certain things happen.

Life Doesn’t Have to Be That Complicated

Ecclesiastes 7:1-29 – We often complicate our lives by making unwise choices. This world promises us trouble, but we don’t have to add more to it by refusing to live according to God’s ways.

Having Too Much and Giving Too Little

Having stuff isn’t sinful as long as it doesn’t have you, but we often feel like our worth is wrapped up in what we own. Instead of thinking about what we can give, we focus on what we can get and miss out on a better path.

Avoiding Adultery

To partake in adultery is to seek temporal satisfaction while neglecting long-term consequences. Discover what God’s Word says about this sin and how to avoid it.

Next Steps with a Church

Since discipleship is a journey, we all have the next steps to take, but they are all different from one another. We want to provide a simple way to help others navigate their movement forward. 

Weekly Wrapup

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Just (About) Married

This new book is a premarital resource intended to help couples discern their next step. Whether you are dating for keeps, contemplating a proposal, or planning a wedding as an engaged couple, I want to help you prepare for more than a ceremony.