Continuing through the Gospel Project Chronological, this last week has been amazing. In addition to the curriculum, our church is providing weekly Bible readings that go along with the lessons.
While all of the focuses have been great, this week’s was very significant for two reasons: 1) Jesus saved my son, Obadiah, through the reading of Scripture this week associated with this focus, and 2) I learned so much myself.
Many of the elements below I have known for some time, but many of the points I never knew until this week. I have been reading the Bible for years. I have a few degrees around the discipline of studying this blessed book. But years later, it still has unending treasures to discover!
Here are some things I learned from the story of Abraham and Isaac in Genesis 22.
- When God “tested” Abraham (Gen. 22:1), the word used is nissah which conveys the desire “to prove the quality of” and not “entice to do wrong.”
- The proof of trust is demonstrated by obedience.
- It was time to prove Abraham’s faith (Gen. 15:6) by this work (Gen. 22:2).
- The place of the sacrifice was Moriah. Later, the temple would be built at this spot to offer sacrifices for sin (2 Ch. 3:1). And then later, the veil in the temple would be torn due to another sacrifice given a little bit down the road from this spot (Matt. 27:51).
- Isaac’s question, “Where is the lamb for the sacrifice?” (Gen. 22:7) echoes through the pages of the Bible and ultimately answered when John the Baptist declares, “Behold the Lamb of God who comes to take away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29).
- Look at the common phrases between Gen. 22:2 and John 3:16.
- But what about the promise around Isaac? Would God allow this miraculous birth to end in such a death?
- Abraham believed they would both make the return trip back (Gen. 22:5).
- Isaac’s life had been raised from a dead womb. It could happen again (Heb. 11:19).
- Abraham’s conviction was in God’s promises. Salvation would come from the lineage of Isaac.
- Isaac was big enough to carry wood on his back hiking up a mountain. Don’t you think he could have gotten away from his aged father if he so desired?
- Usually, the offerer provides the sacrifice. Not, this time (Gen. 22:8).
- The faith-filled person of God is death-defying!
- The next son offered up by a father will not have a substitute. He will be the substitute!
- Through this son almost sacrificed will come another son who will be sacrificed. All nations will be blessed (Gen. 12:1-3) because of it (Rev. 7:9-10).
- This beloved, only son was willing to be sacrificed, followed his father up the mountain, journeyed three days to his destiny, carried the wood of his death upon his back, the substitute had a crown of thorns, and the son was raised from death. Is it just me, or does the storyline in Gen. 22 sound like someone else we know?
Travis Agnew serves as the Lead Pastor of Rocky Creek Church in Greenville, SC. His most recent book is Just (About) Married.