I had the privilege to serve as the camp pastor at the Fuge Combo Camp at North Greenville University on June 25-30, 2018. Here is the outline of the sermons I preached. Pray these notes drive you to reflect on the truths of God’s Word as it propels us to His mission!
OPENING: Focused soldiers
2 Tim. 2:1-4; 4:9-10
Make sure whatever you are living for is worth the one life you have to offer.
You must learn how to live from Christ’s love rather than for Christ’s love (2:1).
If there is a true profession of faith, there must be a true progression of faith (2:2).
Discipleship is taking everything you know about Jesus and passing it on to another (2:2).
Soldiers who forget they are at war are those most prone to become a casualty (2:4).
Make your life’s sole obsession is to be pleasing to Jesus (2:4).
Don’t be a Demas. – Col. 4:14, Phile. 1:23-24; 2 Tim. 4:9-10
You cannot love the perfect Savior and the present world at the same time (4:10).
Rom. 5:6-8
Paul changed from someone who persecuted Christians to someone who was persecuted as a Christian.
Paul accepted the mission to spread the very gospel that dramatically changed him.
Jesus sought Paul in his rebellion – not his repentance.
Jesus’ love for you is not dependent upon your love for Him.
Jesus didn’t postpone His death until we could validate our worth.
But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
- Phil. 3:4-11
- Bad Reasons to Have Confidence in the Flesh
- Family’s Faith
- Religious Involvement
- Biblical Knowledge
- Passionate Convictions
- Morally Superior
- Confidence in your flesh does not provide assurance of your faith.
- Salvation is knowing Christ – not knowing about Christ.
- Our greatest attempts at righteousness are rubbish compared to knowing Christ.
- Salvation doesn’t come by doing good things but by believing the good news
- Righteousness comes from God and obtained through faith.
- The gospel in 15 words:
- God creates us.
- God convicts us.
- God saves us.
- God sends us.
- God rescues us.
- 1 Cor. 11:1
- The Great Commission is go into all the nations and make disciples – not converts.
- You cannot be living the mission if you are not making disciples.
- Discipleship is intentionally investing yourself into another for the purpose of Christian maturity.
- Discipleship is simple imitation.
- What is a person’s entire Christian maturity depended upon studying your example and applying it into his or her life?
- We have prioritized crowds over congregations, fans over followers, and devotees over disciples.
- We are really good at teaching people what to do without teaching them how to do it.
- The mission is to present every disciple as completely mature in Christ.
- Col. 1:27-29
- 6 Categories of Discipleship
- Delight – “Christ in you, the hope of glory” – How can I ensure that one’s delight is in knowing Jesus?
- Disobedience – “warning everyone” – What are the most dangerous leanings of disobedience in that specific person?
- Doctrine – “teaching everyone with all wisdom” – What are the key areas of doctrine that need to be studied?
- Development – “present everyone mature in Christ” – How does this person need to be equipped for ministry development?
- Discipline – “For this I toil” – Which specific spiritual disciplines are essential to growth?
- Dependence – “struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me” – What are we depending on God to do through prayer?
- 2 Cor. 12:7-10
If God is testing me, let me be found faithful.
If Satan is tempting me, let me be found faithful.
If enemies are trying me, let me be found faithful.
If consequences are troubling me, let me be found faithful.
How could I ever resent anything that pushes me closer to Jesus?
When reasons for the roadblocks seem non-existent, I trust that His grace is still sufficient.
DAY 3 PM: Racism and the Mission
- Eph. 2:11-22
The greatest roadblock to the mission in the early Church was racism.
The early Church was originally predominately Jewish, and they initially struggled with how to accept Gentiles.
The Church is full of closet racists who justify inward prejudices and separate from different people.
The Jews unfortunately believed themselves to be the end rather than a means of God’s redemption (Eph. 2:11-13).
Racism is not a skin problem but a sin problem (Eph. 2:14-16).
God doesn’t play favorites in His family (Eph. 2:17-18).
The Church is a multiracial family that should celebrate diversity rather than condemning it (Eph. 2:19-20).
The closer we are to Jesus, the closer we are to all people (Eph. 2:21-22).
Stop desensitizing feelings that you have never felt.
Don’t rebuild racial walls where the cross of Christ has knocked them down.
Don’t let your associations become your identity.
Beware of the youth group clique that keeps people made in God’s image on the fringes.
Repent of the closet or blatant racism present in your life.
If you are a racist, Heaven is going to feel like Hell to you.
- Col. 3:1-4
- What Christ wants for your life is vastly different from what culture wants for your life.
- Heavenly aspirations should consume our earthly opportunities.
- Jesus will never settle to be a part of your life.
- 2 Cor. 5
Don’t put significant effort into merely temporal matters.
Live for that which outlives you.
Your faith should direct you more than your sight guides you.
Missional Christians integrate the unseen areas of faith into the routine areas of life.
If Christ was pleased to die for your soul, you should be pleased to live for His cause.
By receiving the reward of Christ’s death, I am surrendering the rights to my life.
How can we be mediocre Christians if we follow such an incredible Christ?
It is a pathetic goal to live for myself if I have been loved by Jesus.
Salvation rids us of our old ways and recreates us to His new purposes.
We shouldn’t have to convince ourselves to change others with the gospel if it has changed us.
You will find the meaning of your life in the mission of Christ.
- 2 Tim. 2:22
Run From
“Fleeing” doesn’t mean seeing how close you can get to something without actually touching it.
How could I live for what Christ died for?
Run To
Fleeing lusts and pursuing righteousness is one motion.
Replace your unrighteous habits with righteous pursuits.
Run With
In pursuing Jesus, you must align yourself with relationships who are going in the same direction.
Which relationships are taking you closer to Jesus or further from Jesus?
In order to flee youthful lusts, you have to run somewhere with somebody.
Travis Agnew serves as the Lead Pastor of Rocky Creek Church in Greenville, SC. His most recent book is Just (About) Married.