What If You Actually Believed That God Wants to Use You?

Christians say that God desires to use us, but we each struggle with the believability of such a claim. Your life would radically transform if you bought the fact that God wants you as His ambassador.

Not many of us have “ambassador” on our LinkedIn profile. The word is so rarely used that many people don’t know its meaning.

In simple terms, an ambassador is an official messenger of a higher ranking. The President will send one on a diplomatic mission to speak on his behalf. A CEO might send a company leadership team member to negotiate business dealings. The ambassador has credit because it has been vested in him or her due to the confidence and trust of the individual’s superior.

20 Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, since God is making his appeal through us. We plead on Christ’s behalf, â€śBe reconciled to God.” 21 He made the one who did not know sin to be sin for us,so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.

2 Corinthians 5:20-21

Marvel at the notion that God has made us Christ’s ambassadors (2 Cor. 5:20)! He desires us to represent our Savior. In His absence, God expects us to carry out Christ’s mission.

What does this mean?


God doesn’t need us, but He wants us.

While others may have overlooked you all your life, God believes you can be a successful ambassador. 


While being sent out as Christ’s ambassadors is an honor, we do not go in our credibility. Our verification comes from the stamp of approval He places on us, not our worth.

That’s helpful because it should keep us from pride (thinking we accomplished something) and regret (mistakes keeping us from attempting again). It’s His authority (Matt. 28:18).


We don’t have to create a compelling presentation; we have to communicate the one given to us. The gospel doesn’t need improvements.

This Word doesn’t need a revision. It is good news for a reason. We simply need to open up our mouths and share what Scripture teaches (2 Tim. 3:16).

Why do these realities matter? Because I would be incredibly intimidated if I had to prove to someone my worth before I shared Christ with them.

God appeals to people through us (5:20). We can plead with another person because we know God’s great love for us and eagerly share it with those who need to hear it.