Book of the Week: Enter His Courts with Praise

This week’s book of the week is Andrew Hill’s “Enter His Courts with Praise!” This treatment is a thoroughly biblical study of worship.  Looking at how worship was prescribed in the Old Testament, Hill attempts to give guidelines for New Testament worship. Top 5 Ideas: “For our purposes Shaper best captures the idea and ideal of worship when he characterizes the event of worship …


Why 30-Year-Olds Hate Their Jobs

This post is the result of a study I have been doing lately.  It seems like that many people around the age of 30 are miserable in their jobs, state of life, status, acquired wealth, etc.  I recently had a discussion with some friends about this issue, and I have come up with some conclusions that might help some of …


“Nothing is Impossible for My God” Conclusion

During The Perfect Gift series, I was honored that so many people have told me that God used the  “Mighty God” message on Dec. 14 in their lives.  It’s simple why it impacted you: when we lift Jesus up, everything else comes into perspective. Since I preached it three times, the conclusion was a little different each time, but I tried …


Bad Church Sign of the Week: Don’t Let Worries Kill You

How I love this week’s church sign: “Don’t let worries kill you, let the church help.” While this sign is intended to let passerbys know that a church body can help with the stresses of life, this sign actually speaks volumes.  Unfortunately, I know that churches can sometimes do more to create havoc in the lives of people than sometimes they do …


Never Goes Unsettled

What happens in Vegas, never goes unsettled.  Many actions taken in Vegas require people to settle up.  God treats our sin the same way.  Have you ever wondered what God does when His children sin? Jeff and the entire service attempted to answer that yesterday.  It was an incredible day in the life of our church.  I rarely hear messages …


Fluffy Fingers

For anyone suffering from conflict today, I thought I would provide you with some guidance.  Taken from one of my favorite scenes of The Office, the following dialogue gives you some ideas if you are struggling with how to confront someone.   Darryl: Well see, um, in a gang world, we use something called fluffy fingers. Michael: What is that? …


Jesus Leadership 401: Empathy

The final leadership principle modeled by Jesus was his empathy.  Since Jesus did not come to be served but to serve (Mark 10:45), Jesus had an uncanny knack of identifying with people and empathizing with them concerning their needs.  Jesus was able to ascertain current events and evaluate how to minister to people’s true spiritual needs.  Due to his close …


2009 Bible Reading Plan

If you are looking for a good New Year’s resolution, why not reading through the Bible?  Many people always feel guilty about not reading the Bible.  Most of the time it is because they do not have a plan for doing it. I have tried different things, but this year, Amanda and I are going to do the Robert Roberts’ …


Bad Church Sign of the Week: Bible Study with Scissors

You know this one is going to be a problem just by the title. This week’s bad church sign states: “Bible Study 7 PM Bring Bible, Scissors” Normally, at this point, I try to explain to you what the intended message probably was, but this week I have no clue.  They either are doing crafts or they are taking bits …