Ministry Roundtable on the COVID-19

I don’t remember the pandemic course in seminary. All pastors are learning on the fly in days in like these. We are dependent upon God’s principles contained in Scripture, God’s guidance through His Spirit, and God’s wisdom given through knowledgeable people. My friend, Wayne Bray, has a great heart for the local church. As the pastor of neighboring First Baptist …


Set Apart

I had the wonderful privilege of preaching at Edwards Road Baptist Church’s DNOW 2020. The theme was “Set Apart.” Here are the notes from our sessions together. Session 1 – Set Apart 1 Peter 1:13-16 If God has provided necessary holiness, we should pursue practical holiness (1:13). One sign that we belong to Jesus is if we are fighting against …


It’s Not How You Start That Matters

If you searched for the 1 book that focuses on marriage out of the 66 books that compose the Bible, you would arrive at the book entitled The Song of Solomon or The Song of Songs. The biblical “expert” on marriage appears to be King Solomon. In his book, he wrote flattering comments about his bride, but none is as …


If Your Church’s Leadership Was a Sports Team

In Larry Osborne’s book, Sticky Teams, he used one of the greatest illustrations regarding ministry teams I have ever read. He equated ministry teams to different types of sports. The thought-provoking idea is how some ministry teams grow in size but never change to maintain effectiveness. Here is a snippet from his excellent book. I liken them to sports. As …


Tozer on Tuning Pianos and Uniting Worshipers

A.W. Tozer explains a wondrous concept about tuning pianos and uniting worshipers: “Has it ever occurred to you that one hundred pianos all tuned to the same fork are automatically tuned to each other? They are of one accord by being tuned, not to each other, but to another standard to which each one must individually bow. So one hundred …


Aligning Your Plan

If you look at your current financial picture, you might notice too many issues to address at once. Instead of becoming overwhelmed by the numerous tasks, rely on biblical wisdom and align your plan with immediate obedience and gradual progression. #1. Prioritize God’s wisdom over others’ opinions. Proverbs 2:3-4 – Yes, if you call out for insight and raise your …


The Target Audience for Distinctive Discipleship

I attempted to create a discipleship guide in 2018. Instead, God showed me a paradigm contained in Scripture. I wanted to show my church how to use it in 2019. In addition, people outside our church asked if I could share the process. I released a book, a Bible study workbook, and a bunch of free resources at the end …



Giving his life away for gospel ministry landed Paul in prison, and yet all he could talk about was the need to rejoice. If he could find joy in there, we should be able to find joy no matter where we are.

My Favorite Books on Biblical Finance

As a newly-married man, the first book I ever read on finances was from Dave Ramsey. The principles he taught me caused me to look at finances differently from that point forward. While there are many books out there on finances for the Christian, these are my favorite so far. I believe each of these is extremely practical and thorough. …


Philippians [Series Overview]

I am eager to begin our four-month study through the Book of Philippians. We start this sermon series this Sunday! The Apostle Paul was no stranger to emotional stress. Giving his life away for gospel ministry landed him in prison, and yet all he could talk about was the need to rejoice. We will go through this book to see …