Practicing Contentment

Exodus 20:17 – The tenth commandment cautioned against coveting anything that belongs to someone else. We cannot practice contentment if we constantly compare what God has provided us with what we see adorning others.

Upholding Honesty

Exodus 20:16 – The ninth commandment prohibited the people from bearing false witness against each other. God is truth, and His people should be known for being truth-tellers.

Safeguarding Possessions

Exodus 20:15 – The eighth commandment discouraged the practice of stealing. If we trust God for what we need and work diligently to provide for those around us, we will never need to take what belongs to another.

Cherishing Marriage

Exodus 20:14 – The seventh commandment warned the people against breaking marriage vows and entangling themselves in forbidden relationships. To avoid adultery, we must cherish marriage.

Protecting Life

Exodus 20:13 – The sixth commandment forbids the taking of innocent life. As people distinguished by the image of God, we must respect and protect that same image in any and every life we encounter.

Honoring Parents

Exodus 20:12 – The fifth commandment instructs all people, regardless of age, to honor their parents. God has created the family structure to be a training ground for how we embody care and respect authority.

Keep God’s Day Holy

Exodus 20:8-11 – The fourth commandment standardized a week by six days to work and one day to rest. Keeping the Sabbath day holy is about ordering our time to remember who we are not.

Keep God’s Name Holy

Exodus 20:7 – The third commandment discouraged the people from vainly using God’s name. God’s name represents who He is, and we must never frivolously use it for any type of sinful agenda.

No Idols

Exodus 20:4-6 – The second commandment warned the people of belittling God to any type of idol. We must ensure we worship the God who made us, not the gods we attempt to make.

Redemption Precedes Regulations

Exodus 19:1-25 – Before God gave commandments, He reminded the people about what He had already done for them. We don’t do good works to be loved by God, for redemption precedes regulations.