Addressing Anxiety

Everyone suffers from some level of anxiety in their lives. Discover what Scripture clarifies to address our feelings when we are overwhelmed.

How Do I Pray When I’m Anxious?

Realize that you haven’t sinned when anxiety hits, but you could sin by how you address it. Jesus provides helpful clarity in how He took His anxieties to God in prayer. It’s time to go the second mile in praying through your anxiety.

For Those in Need of Hope

When we look around us at the state of the world, we can easily succumb to fear and anxiety. In the midst of unsettling times, you can turn to God for the hope that you so desperately need.

Redirecting Anxiety

So many Christians feel tremendous guilt for the level of anxiety they struggle with on a daily basis. You need to realize that you haven’t sinned when anxiety hits, but you could sin by the way you address it.

Delightful Disposition

We are all wired differently when it comes to emotions. We all interpret situations uniquely and respond differently when challenges arise. Do you receive the stress of this life with joy or anxiety?

Lies Associated with Anxiety

After Elijah experienced God move mightily upon the mountaintop, his joy was short-lived due to following opposition. God’s instruction to Elijah during his depressed state provides direction for our own troubled souls.

You Didn’t Get Here Overnight

Many people have years of damage done and want immediate fixes, but it is never that easy. They can get help, but it takes time. You didn’t get here overnight, and you aren’t going to get out of here overnight either.

Addressing Anxiety

Life can give us reason to worry, to be fearful, or to be anxious. However, the fears of our current world are temporary, and we should focus on eternity. When tempted to worry, be fearful, or be anxious, fight against that temptation to sin.

Anxious for Nothing

Anxiety affects every single one of us in different ways and varying degrees. Learn some biblical ways to address your anxiety.

How to Survive Life’s Storms

All of us go through storms, but only some of us make it out of them. As Jesus concluded the Sermon on the Mount, he taught his listeners how to build the types of lives that can withstand life’s storms.