The Arrogance of My Generation’s Church Leaders

Recently, I made a post on Twitter and Facebook that got a bit of a reaction: Just because you are a critic of yesterday’s church does not make you an expert of today’s church. It seems that I struck a nerve out there, so I wanted to dive in a little deeper because it seems that many people have been rubbed …


I’m in a Holy Huddle (And I’m Proud of It)

My C-Group had a great time last night discussing the weekly topic of “Church: More Than a Building.”  We talked about what people wrongly assume is church (building, programs, activities, social club, etc.).  We talked about what killed local congregations (selfishness, wrong ways of evaluating progress, apathy, refusal to biblically confront, and biblically unfit leaders). We got to the place …


The Church: More Than a Building

What a great day with North Side today!  Week 7 0f 8 in the True[ish] series and we got to the doctrine of the church.  It’s been great to see all these weeks grow upon each other – I have learned so much!  Jeff’s message was great and reminded me of why I am so thankful to be a part …


The Cycle of a Church Hopper

I had a conversation about church hopping with a buddy of mine recently.  He goes to another church in another town but had recently been discouraged with members from his church leaving to find another church.  What hurt him so was all the time and energy and prayers he had poured into this family, and then it seemed like they …


Do We Really Need Homegrown Worship Songs?

I’ve been a songwriter since I started playing guitar.  I love it, but when I became worship pastor, a dilemma arose.  If I have the choice to lead with a song that I have written or Chris Tomlin has written, if I defer to quality, we would always play Mr. Tomlin.  I love his songs, and our people love singing …


Book of the Week: Making Vision Stick

This week’s book of the week was Andy Stanley’s Making Vision Stick. Stanley is the pastor of North Point Community Church.  He is one of the smartest leaders I have ever had the privilege to be taught by.  The guy breathes organization and systems.  He is often criticized for his use of corporate leadership within the church, but he rebuttles that …


5 Worst Christmas Church Signs

In my love of bad church signs, I thought I would share with you some of the most intriguing church signs of this Christmas season.  Here we go: 1.  NO OFFERING PEACE ON EARTH – I mean does a church want to advertise they can’t provide that. 2.  SANTA CLAUS NEVER DIED FOR ANYONE – I actually kind of like …


Wilderness Companions

Jeff and I normally catch up Sunday mornings at about 7:30 in the video room.  We’ll talk about the weekend or a crazy idea we had over the weekend.  I love it on those mornings when he walks in and says he’s going to call an audible. Jeff preached the “Weakened Defenses” message he had planned on preaching in about …


When God Takes Too Long

Another great Sunday @ North Side! We took some time at the beginning of the service today to get everyone at church to fill out a survey today.  The survey was a way of evaluating how connected our church is.  If you didn’t get to pick one up today, make sure to get one next week at the information desk …


Egypt in the Rearview Mirror

Second week in the Wilderness series.  This picture is of Fred the Manequin who watches over our tech team in the back on Sunday mornings.  He has served the last few weeks as a stand-in for Jeff as our light and camera techs work some things out. He has scared many people over the last few weeks as they walk …