God Has to Humble Himself to Behold Our Extravagance

Our church is loving the Gospel Project Chronological!  Just six weeks in and all ages are learning so much and uniting together through discussion and application.  Amazing to watch. In this week’s session, we see humanity’s propensity for inventing ways to build up our own prestige and bring honor to ourselves.  As we build our kingdoms and lift up our …


Notes on Noah

This week has been jam-packed with all types of Kingdom goodness.  With all the great time we had at the Gathering, I have not posted my notes on this week’s discipleship group focus with Noah and the Ark. Here are some notes I made during personal and group study: God’s regret was not based on what he had done wrong, …


The Cross Disarms the Cherubim

I was excited about others learning a lot in the Gospel Project.  I was thrilled when I saw how much my children were learning.  Have I mentioned how much this material is pushing and teaching me? Here are some of what I have been learning this last week as we studied “Human Rebellion” in Genesis 3: Satan’s strategy hasn’t changed …


How Was Eve Supposed to Help Adam?

Our church has been enjoying the Gospel Project curriculum.  I have heard so many great comments from all ages! This week, it was great how time with our college group studying Genesis 2 led to discussions about dating and marriage. After God created all things by using his words (or the Word), he created one thing with his hands – …


In the Beginning, God…

While I was excited about utilizing the Gospel Project to unite all ages with one curriculum, I never imagined I was personally going to get so much out of it as I have.  I have loved the group interaction time, the discussion time with our family, and utilizing the family Bible reading plan. I taught the first lesson with my …


Creation & Legos

Studying the Scripture together as a family is important.  Studying the Scripture as a church is important.  If you can combine those two things, you can make some significant progress!

We unite our church’s curriculum so that all ages are all learning the same thing at the same time.  It’s so helpful for church and family discipleship to take place more naturally.  As I learn in my group, I know what my kids are learning and we can stay on the same page throughout the week.

One night, I was asking my children what they knew about Creation, Eli (7) told me what God created on each day, Obadiah (7) told me that all things created were meant to give God glory, and Gloria (3) told me that everything God created was good.  I think they were getting it!


3-Year Bible Study Plan

Here is an additional Family Ministry update for your viewing pleasure.  We are excited to announce that one of the ways we are going to equip parents is by providing a 3-year Bible study plan for the entire family!

3-Year Plan

This plan will include:

  1. All ages on the same passage every week (except for Christmas and Easter where children will focus primarily on those significant events due to their importance at reclaiming those holidays).
  2. No more different ages in different places.  This effort is to fight against isolationist Christian growth and get back to what the Bible teaches concerning the centrality of the home (Mal. 4:6; Deut. 6:4-9).
  3. 3-Year plan going chronologically through the Scriptures so that you can see the grand narrative of the Bible instead of isolated stories and events.
  4. 18 months in the Old Testament and 18 months in the New Testament will allow a great coverage.
  5. If a family member promotes up to next age classing, they don’t miss a beat because we are all covering the same passages (preschool up to children, children up to students, etc.).
  6. Family discipleship can take place much easier because you will know what your children are learning without having to dig.
  7. Ages 1 to 100+ will all be together as well.  This means that grandparents and aunts and uncles and all family members (family unit and church unit) can share what they are learning through God’s Word!
  8. While our relaunch of Family Ministry happens in August 16, this curriculum will launch 3 weeks later on September 6th.  We want the system to be running well before new curriculum.
  9. If you aren’t in a discipleship group yet, now is the time to join one because this effort will help draw yourself and your family together around the Word like never before!

Gospel Project Chronological Promo

David, Goliath, and the Gospel

If you’ve been around North Side lately, you know that we are switching curriculum to The Gospel Project. I am really excited about this for 3 primary reasons: Unites Families – This curriculum will position our church to have every age, every group going through the same discipleship curriculum together.  That means you don’t have to dig to find out what your

Why Are There 4 Gospels?

The New Testament begins with Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. These four books, commonly called “the Gospels” serve as biographies on the life and ministry of Jesus. In New Testament study, the word “gospel” is used frequently. It means “good news.” When speaking of the message of the gospel, it will most often be written with a lowercase “g.” When

What John Piper Feels About the Prosperity Gospel

North Side spent months going through 1 Peter and 2 Peter.  1 Peter’s message is all about suffering well for the name of Jesus.  2 Peter’s message is all about being on guard against false prophets.  It was a challenging time in the life of our church. This edition of Short Sermon Saturday addresses both in under 3 minutes and